New Paradigm Human

Ep 1: Our Mission as Humans on Earth

Episode 1

Welcome to New Paradigm Human! In this intro episode, I'm talking about what I feel our collective mission is as humans on Earth right now and why it's so important during this transition into the Aquarian Age.

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Welcome to the first episode of New Paradigm humans. Today I'll be talking about our collective mission as human beings at this time on Earth.

Hi, everyone, and welcome to this new project of mine. The New Paradigm Human podcast. This has been orbiting around me for a while but being a sacral generator, I needed to wait until I had that moment of response to go for it and felt like I had the energy and that moment has arrived. If you don't know me, I am Rachel. I run Pure Generators, which is a platform that specialises in the lived experience of generators and manifesting generators. I like to create tools and content that helps us learn about who we are, connect into our deeper purpose and express our consistent energy through work that is satisfying and a soul expression and also allows us to thrive materially on this planet. 

Almost exactly three years ago, I left my corporate career that had been a really positive thing in my life. Because I can see that there wasn't anything else there that I wanted to do. There wasn't a way to deepen my skills or experience. Basically, I just didn't want to become a manager of people. That obviously wasn't for me. I became a manager and I quickly had a very intense burnout. And it became very clear I needed to get out of there. A few weeks after I made that decision, human design came into my life. It explained everything. And it was very clear to me that I had someone to share about what it meant to live as a sacral being AKA a generator or a manifesting generator. I had never tried to support myself with my own business before even though that was my dream. And in classic one three profile fashion I have tried a lot of different things. But in alignment with my design, I have found that what feels the best to me as creating tools, acting as a cosmic channel, I channel what you might call the Galactic Centre. That's where I get a lot of universal wisdom and knowledge especially about this new paradigm transition that we're going through. It's not something I've actively sought out. It's just something that started to come to me and I felt like I needed to share it otherwise, I was gonna go crazy. So that's what I've been doing. And that's a big part of why I want to have this podcast as well. I feel I can also use my channeling abilities to connect to people's souls. I've done hundreds of readings for generators and manifesting generators over the last three years helping you to connect to that soul truth. And I purposefully don't work one on one live with people, because I find that it's hard for me to connect to the soul truth when I am in people's emotion. I have a completely open solar plexus. So emotion is very overwhelming for me. And I can get to those more potent messages and truth better when I connect to someone from afar. So the readings I've done are remote, I record them and send them to people. And doing this has not only felt really amazing and energising for me, but it has helped me understand a lot about our sole purpose right now at this time on earth and all of these interesting individual expressions of that. 

I don't only use human design,  I also like to use astrology and numerology. These are great soul tools. Human Design is such a good base for how we show up as physical bodies. It's the most tangible system out of all of these things that I've learned compared to astrology or numerology. And it determines a lot of how we move through the world. It's the how on everything. So I love starting with that as who I am here for and then from there, I like to create things and use all different modalities and tools that I know will resonate for us as sacral beings because we're really here to know ourselves and express ourselves through our energy and our work. So that's a little bit of background about me and why I feel so drawn to share these downloads that I get about the new paradigm and why we're here as a collective. 

This is such an important time for humanity right now. I received this message over and over and over again. And I remember one day when all this started, I had been receiving these types of messages on and off for a few years. It really kicked into gear in January 2020. I was driving across Oregon where I live on a short weekend trip. And all of a sudden I got this intense download that was like the new paradigm is here. And it really has just grown from there. It's clear to me how everyone that I've done a reading for everyone I come in contact with has a special piece of this puzzle. And everyone's piece is very important and they all also fit together in a really important way. Basically what's happening is that we are at the tail end of a 26,000 year cycle. Scientifically it's called the precession of the equinoxes. It has to do with the way the earth tilts. I encourage you to look this up. If you're interested in it. It's not something that I'm very good at explaining. Essentially there is a gradual shift in the orientation of earth's axis. That creates a cycle of approximately 26,000 years. This 26,000 years and astrology corresponds to the different ages that we're in. So right now we are at the very end of the Piscean age and beginning of the Aquarian Age because these things don't have a precise start date. There are energies that start to flow in. I would say we're in a transitionary period right now. We definitely have not made it all the way to the Aquarian Age and we're definitely not just in the Piscean age anymore. That's honestly why Earth feels so chaotic right now. It feels like there's an old world there's a new world, the vast majority of us are caught somewhere in the middle and experiencing it all and that is okay, that's exactly where we're supposed to be. But you can really see this shift from the Piscean age to the Aquarian Age. When you think about how much has changed in the world in the last 100 years. 

A simple explanation of the Piscean age is that it was marked by hierarchies and imbalances of power. There's a lot of beautiful things that came about in the Piscean age. No age is fully positive or negative. It was an age of spirituality and religion becoming a big part of our lives. It started in what we call the year zero with Jesus and the birth of Christianity and all of the world religions that came about around that time and are based around the same characters. The Piscean age was about transcendence in forgiveness, it's a water sign so a lot of emotion, love, peace, AKA a lack of war because the age previous to that was the age of Aries and that was a time of a lot of war. So you can see how moving from that time of all of this fighting and warfare and that just being a big theme of the collective to this time of peace and spirituality would be a massive evolution for humanity. And now we're going through another one of those evolutions where we're moving from this hope during the Piscean age that we could all melt into one melt into sort of one big pool of humans loving and accepting each other to the Age of Aquarius, which is all about differentiation. We are still a pool of humans. We're always a pool of humans here on planet Earth because we all share this space together. But in the Aquarian Age, we're moving away from trying to blend into one and instead celebrating all of our differences and in many ways separating out into a lot of smaller, specialised niche groups. That are fully interconnected worldwide. 

When you try to meld into one big pool, there's part of that Piscean energy that wants to give away power. What then happens is that these hierarchical power structures spring up that are asking the masses to give their power away. These to me churches, corporations, governments, schools, universities, basically any structure where you might climb a hierarchy that feels so normal to us because that has been what has structured humanity for so long. And until I became aware of what was going on with this and started receiving these messages, I actually had a hard time imagining a world where that wasn't the case. I just thought that's how humans were but it's really not and it definitely has not been the case through all of our history. What we're seeing now are the structure is breaking down as we begin to separate into these smaller groups, individualised differentiated groups, which leads me to what is our mission right now. 

I want to say that you may or may not resonate with this word mission. It could be purpose, could be a reason for being, it doesn't really matter. A lot of what I say will come from things that feel true to me in my design, in my life as this version of a human, but I do really feel that we all have a reason for being here. And connecting in a way that feels correct to us. To our reason for being here. I personally feel is the answer to a lot of problems that we have as human beings with happiness, addiction, Violence. When we feel that there's a reason for living, that there's a reason why we're here and we've experienced the things that we have, life turns to feel a lot better for us as humans. So I'm going to talk about this in terms of our collective mission because that's a big part of what I'm here to do. And as a channel, I'm really an empty vessel for what is happening in the collective in our world all together. And I'm not really here to control or manipulate or distort that message or even to give it my stamp necessarily, I'm just here to bring that through.

 So what I'm sharing here really is just what has come to me through my channeling over the last few years. And I feel that our collective mission right now in this time of massive change in the transition into the Age of Aquarius is to differentiate. This is a word that we use in human design, which is why I find human design to be such a potent tool right now. And this is why it came about 35 years ago. In the middle of this transitionary period, there is no coincidence that human design would appear right now. In human design, differentiation means embracing your unique characteristics and living in accordance with those as opposed to trying to fit yourself into one of those larger systems or hierarchies. That's what we've been doing for the past 2000 years. And it's just not really working anymore. A lot of us have done that. And in the end we've left feeling burnt out, unsuccessful, unfulfilled. There's so many stories of this. And so that's what we're moving away from. 

Differentiation means that we're coming to understand that we're all different and that's okay. We're all different, but we're still connected. That's really what the Aquarian Age is about. We're all different. And we can see and accept and celebrate each other's differences and use them to make all of our lives better. If you're here, you're part of this mission, really, we all are in our own way. But particularly if you're interested in personal development, human design, astrology, really, if you're listening to this, you're at the forefront of this massive change. And you're taking the lead in something that I think will become very widespread over the next 100 years. 

We're not only learning about who we are and how we operate, but we're putting that into practice. When you decide to begin the deconditioning process and human design. It's not something that happens overnight. And it's not something that happens through knowledge. It's something that happens day in, day out, over many years. Ra Uru Hu, the founder of human design said seven years in some ways I feel that as the planet is growing and accelerating faster than before, that can happen even faster, but seven years, the time that it takes for all of our cells to regenerate, and it's something that you're making a decision to do every day to honour your authority to live by your strategy, to tap into what you feel your soul is interested in doing excited by feels good and successful at. If you're a manifesting generator or generator, of course it's going to be while satisfying and energising for you. If you're a projector, it's what makes you feel successful and seen and recognised. If you're a reflector, it's what brings that spirit of delight into your life. If you're a manifester, it's what allows you to have the maximum impact on the people around you. So this is what I feel our mission is right now, it is to differentiate and live in a way that feels good to us. This is how we best serve the collective. It's how we create what we need. In the world instead of creating chaos and destruction and harming people and harming the planet. 

For me, differentiation is nothing more than the next evolution of humanity and here we are taking it on, day by day, who we become as we differentiate. There are as many versions of that as they are human beings, there is no right and wrong. So that is why I am here. That is why I do what I do. Keep in mind I have a defined G centre with a lot of gates, including my incarnation cross part of that. So I have a fairly fixed sense of direction in my life. You may not have that and that's okay. You're still going to live out your differentiation and your purpose in a way that's correct for you. And that's why it is so wonderful to have some understanding of our human design so that our mind doesn't override our natural inclinations as we move through the world. So thank you for being here with me on this mission of differentiation. I have a lot of energy for recording these episodes right now. So we'll be getting into a lot of topics over the next few months. I also love to hear from everyone who's listening to this. So if there's something you want to hear about or a thought that you have feel free to send me an email or reach out to me via DM on Instagram at pure generators. As a generator I thrive on things that people bring to me. So I would love for this podcast to be a co-creative process among our community. So thank you everyone, and I'll talk to you next time as we continue this journey into differentiation, the new paradigm and everything that the universe is sending me downloads about… talk to you soon!