New Paradigm Human

Ep 4: How Relationships are Changing in the New Paradigm | Age of Aquarius | Human Design Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix

Rachel Lieberman Episode 4

How will we relate differently as we enter the New Paradigm? When we decondition in Human Design, are we being "anti-social?" I've got some ideas about where we are headed!

Mentioned in this episode:

- Guide to Your Personal Manifestation Process
- North Node + Numerology Soul Purpose Reading

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On this episode of New Paradigm Human, we're talking about the way that relationships are changing as we enter the Aquarian Age.

Hello, everyone I'm sitting here at the tail end of a holiday weekend which is a perfect time to talk about one of my favourite topics which is how relationships are changing as we enter the Aquarian Age or the new paradigm. I feel very passionate about this topic, because it's something I've seen have a big effect on my own life and when we talk about the way they're changing as we enter the Aquarian Age it's also how they're changing as we go through the deconditioning process because the deconditioning process is something that we're all beginning to get involved in now for a reason. It's because it's fully in line with the energies that are coming in as part of this new age. And this deconditioning or differentiation process is honestly at the centre of our survival as human beings. So there's a lot to talk about with this. I wanna to talk a little bit about the switch in 2027, which is sort of the Human Design prophecy of moving from the cross of planning to the cross of the sleeping Phoenix, which is sort of human design sort of version of these 2000 year ages. Like Pisces to Aquarian. I want to talk about how it manifests concretely in our deconditioning process and how we can expect to see our relationships changing and how we may already be seeing them change. And honestly, let's see what else comes up because you might end up making some connections on the fly here. 

So when we talk about the transition in 2027 with human design, this definitely not something I am a deep expert in but am learning a lot about it right now and we are moving from the cross of planning, you might have heard about it or someone talking about it, but basically the cross of planning is about the needs of the group. And we're moving into the cross of the sleeping Phoenix, which is very individual, as opposed to being about the group or the needs of the group, the cross of the sleeping Phoenix is about individual growth, the individual's path and the way that they affect others by living their truth, their path focusing on their own development. Something that I think is really important to clarify is that as human beings friendships and relationships and connections between humans are an integral part of why we're here on Earth, how we grow, how we learn, it's really central to every single human being. But as we're thinking about differentiation and our own individual design, how we need to have those connections, how we make healthy connections, and how they help us grow is going to be different for everybody. So what I feel is that under this cross of planning, we've come up with this sort of homogeneous way of thinking about connections, friendship, relationships, and it's always about putting the needs of the group or the needs of the Union before the needs of the individual. We have been socialising as families, tribes, groups, at school, in churches, so religious or spiritual groups, as a country and really affiliating with our nationality. The company that we're part of, the corporation that we're part of, all of these things are about this affinity with a larger group. So what we did was we found a group that was right for us or tolerable to us or something that we felt we could mould ourselves in the image of, and we gave everything to that group and we expected that group to then support us and under this cross a planning we valued the needs of the group. under the cross of the sleeping Phoenix that we're moving into now or in 2027. That's probably when the transition reaches its peak. These things don't tend to switch at a moment. There's sort of a lead in and lead out to it that can be like decades, I would say and in some cases like maybe up to 100 years, because society has to change moment by moment, cell by cell, the full deconditioning process they say it takes seven years because that's how long it takes for your cells to regenerate or historically has so these things won't all of a sudden change in one day like we switch to a new calendar year. But when we move into this cross of the sleeping Phoenix, we're moving away from prioritising the needs of those groups and away from socialising and connecting with people only through those groups. The way that I see this happening is that as we focus on our own needs and our own differentiation process, we naturally bring the people into our lives that are part of that. If you have a three line in your profile, I feel that this is a very similar energy. I really feel as a one three profile, that friendships for me often will come and go. I'm not trying to hold on to them if they don't feel resonant, I'm willing for something that doesn't feel resonant to become resonant again. So I feel like I hold on to my relationships very loosely. Because for me, the priority is 100% to be living my own differentiated life path. So if a relationship is not something that is in alignment with that, then I'm not going to hold on to that relationship just for the sake of having it or for security or because they're part of my group because I don't feel at this stage in my deconditioning process that I affiliate with any group that will hold me back in any way from my own path. And by definition all groups that are all encompassing and expecting me to adhere to them and sort of sacrifice my individual needs for the needs of the group all the time just isn't a group that I'm going to affiliate with. 

So we're moving away from prising these societal or group tribal expectations, to prioritising our own deconditioning process, our own differentiation. And the way that we're going to connect with other people, is by connecting to people that we feel can help us in our growth process. And so naturally, we're going to feel connected to those people attracted to those types of people, especially as we decondition. And what actually inspired me to make this episode was reading some of Ra Uru Hu’s texts where he said, human design is inherently anti social, and I really understood what he meant what he's saying is that we cannot be part of a group we cannot affiliate ourselves with a group in a way that we used to in a way that we used to see as social and it's not really a rule. It's just something that happens naturally. For instance, if I'm really prioritising, being in my correct environment, making my decisions with my sacral things that are correct for me, it's going to be harder to do that when I'm putting the needs of a group or society ahead of my own internal responses. So instead, I'm letting those internal responses lead and at the end of the day, whatever is left there and what feels aligned with my individual path is what stays and for me, the experience has been that I have lost some things but I've also gained so many things. I lost a lot of friendships when I started on this type of path even before I found human design, which kind of explained what I'd already been doing. I lost a lot of friendships. I really reevaluated how I felt about a lot of societal expectations, like getting married or having children. In the end, I moved away from the corporation I was part of in the career that I was part of, but those are not things that I planned. Exactly. They were just things that naturally happened as a by-product of the deconditioning process. I also gained so much through that process. It was through that process that I found my partner, I found so many friends that I built my business that my relationship with my family got better as I was led to heal a lot of things. So even though this new paradigm way of connecting is different from what we've been raised to believe is the correct type of relationship to have. It doesn't mean that we lose all the people in our life. It just means that we approach things a little bit differently.

I was always raised to believe that the best type of romantic partnership would be someone that you find and you share the same values and you get married, and you put each other first and you have kids and you give them everything and you raise this family and you create a legacy and through the differentiation process and really embracing my place as an Aquarian soul during this big change on the planet. I really see it very differently. I see my romantic partnership as a place to grow and expand and support the other person as an individual and to continue walking my path and allow them to support me as an individual and to always prioritise my own growth ahead of creating some kind of codependency with the other person. And luckily, I found someone that I feel that I can walk hand in hand with as equals, where I'm not sacrificing big parts of who I am in order to create something communal. And of course, we share lots of things. We do live with a kid, we live with his kid, we are a family, we share a house, we own a house together, we do all sorts of things together, we spend the majority of our time in our life together. But there's just a different understanding of how that works. And what is the actual priority, then, maybe what we're raised to believe is the priority in a relationship. And this can be explained fully by this switch into this cross of the sleeping Phoenix. 

One of the things that always stands out to me about that cross is that when someone with that incarnation cross is living out their true path and their individual path, then they have this really catalytic and really strong positive effect on the people around them. So it's good to remember that we can benefit people in so many ways, not just by being in meshed with them or in a group with them, but by showing up as our own differentiated selves. And of course, when we talk about these crosses that are like the crosses that we're all living under, it doesn't mean that we all like we all have our individual soul paths. And some of us might be learning about relationships and closeness because we've already had lifetimes where we've had a lot of individual experiences. So those kind of operate differently from what's happening on this larger societal level because there are varying degrees of what we're experiencing as individual souls, what we're experiencing as societies, what we're experiencing as an entire planet. All these things are kind of happening at the same time, and they're not mutually exclusive. They are all contributing to this larger ecosystem.

If you're curious about what your soul is here to learn, I cover that in my sole purpose readings, so you can check that out on my website, and I'll also link it below. So when we talk about these crosses, it's not as if that's going to affect everything in your life, but it's kind of just this larger flavour that we're receiving as like a global human community. When we think about the age that we're coming out of the Piscean age, these world religions, one of the best examples to me is always Christianity, Jesus, he is a heavily Piscean figure. And these types of religions really prize putting the good of the whole above the needs or desires of the individual. So that's why if you're part of a religion like that, you sort of agree to this larger code of conduct and these rules about how you will live your life and how you will structure your life. Typically nowhere in these is some kind of commandment to live as an individual and follow your inner guidance, because that would really upset the power of people coming together under this unified Code of Conduct essentially these commandments to live a certain way. There's also a lot of stress in Christianity placed on service and sacrifice and giving a piece of yourself to the good of the whole. and that is really what we are moving away from at this point. We can enter a place where there are Win Win situations, we can maintain who we are as individuals, and still offer something to the larger community. We just have to think differently about what a community is, is a community necessarily people who agree on everything and who have signed a contract under some code of conduct to all operate the same way. Not necessarily it can actually be a group of fully differentiated individuals who support each other's freedom and desire to be differentiated, and offer our own unique gifts to help the whole as opposed to all coming together and shrinking ourselves in order to serve something larger than ourselves. Now we can absolutely still serve something larger than ourselves. But we don't have to sacrifice our individuality in order to do that. 

So now let's talk about some of the more practical applications of how all of this actually manifests within our body graph. So when we think about it, there's a lot of different aspects of living our design and living as a fully differentiated human being. So some of the ones I see this show up in the most is, for instance, with our profile. I'm a one three profile I live with two to four profiles. So all of us have these lower trigrams. So one, twos and threes going on, and the two of them have these four lines, but the majority of our profiles are these self focused profile lines. Mine is fully self focused and that is a massive shift I have seen in my life, that for me to live out my full one three investigating martyr potential, I cannot cling to a group and cling to relationships, maybe in the way that I did when I was younger when I was still kind of living under this old paradigm understanding of what it meant to be connected to other people. Like I talked about a little bit before this three line has had a massive impact on my friendships and relationships. I have let a lot of people go in my life because I could feel that they at that time Were not a frequency match for what I was doing, what I was interested in what I was investigating what I was experimenting with, and if we don't have anything in common and we can't speak from that place, That relationship is not going to be deeply meaningful for me. I don't have a lot of four line energy in my chart. I think I have like, wow, one gate that has a four line as part of it. So for me, that type of pure friendship just isn't part of who I am. And over the last few years as I have let those relationships go or as I've entered and then left relationships that I felt were no longer a frequency match. I've definitely felt a lot of guilt or like is something wrong with me, as there's something wrong with my emotions, my ability to connect to people, I don't really wonder that at points. But the more that I move forward the happier I feel in my life. And the more I understand how this is really just a part of my design, and part of me has always understood this and want it to be this way. I just didn't really have the permission to fully live it out in my life. 

So profile is a place where you're going to see a lot of that. If you have ones in your profile you're going to need people in your life to give you the space to engage in the things that you're interested in. If you have a three in your profile, you may approach relationships very differently. You may not spend a lot of time engaging in relationships. I'm surrounded by a lot of four lines in my life. Who pour a lot of time and attention into their friendships and that's just not part of my reality, at this point. I still have a lot of friends but they're all people that I have connections with through the work that I'm doing, or, or people that I used to work with. I did always notice that wow, I really connect with and feel a really strong bond to people that I've worked with and that would make total sense as a one three generator people that have this, this life force energy work energy in common with me and people who can talk to me on this level, about something that I've been deeply engaged in.

 If you're four line, you may find yourself less interested in your own individual work or studies or obsessions and find yourself more invested in learning about those things through the people that are around you. If you have a two line, you may just find yourself way more hamidy  and feeling bad about that but there's no reason to feel bad about it. It's who you are. And you can know that the right people are gonna find you sort of even in your, your extended hermitdumb. (19.17)

If you've got a five line you may find that as you decondition you're more open about speaking your truth and speaking about what you're seeing, because you do have a lot of solutions and sometimes we're conditioned out of believing that we should share those things, but you definitely can and should. And if you have a sixth line in your profile you may feel weird about wanting to distance yourself a bit, wanting to watch things, not wanting to get involved in the drama, and that does not make you a bad antisocial person. In fact, I would love to reclaim this concept of antisocial nature because antisocial does not necessarily mean disconnected. It doesn't mean that we don't value or understand or care about other people. It just means that perhaps that isn't the most important thing and that melding into the group or society is not our priority. Another place in our charts where I definitely see big changes in people as we decondition is in the solar plexus. The Solar Plexus has such a big effect on who we are and our world. And I definitely see that would be emotional people in my life, learning to take that time for themselves for their own emotional process their own Wave, validating their own feelings and honouring them and sitting with them is something that society doesn't like it wants us to be on other people's timetables, but as you decondition you'll probably lean more into that and it may feel weird and may feel antisocial in some way. But it's really not and it just is, it's just the way you are and we'll all eventually learn to respect that. And the same goes for people who are completely open or undefined emotional centre. I have a completely open solar plexus, and as time goes on, I find myself just less and less emotional about the things that happen around me my natural desire to stay in a stasis of feeling really emotionally level when I'm on my own and just very observant of emotions around other people is getting stronger and stronger to the point where sometimes when I observe things that are going on and I feel these outside emotions and I observe them in myself, I am like wow I just don't feel this in this codependent way that I used to like, Is there something wrong with me? Am I a sociopath, all of these things and that's actually another topic that the stigma of a lot of these disorders, quote unquote disorders I feel will be removed and people are beginning to remove them because people are born as sociopaths. And that doesn't necessarily mean that they are bad people. It's just about learning to manage who we are and who we are as differentiated human beings and navigate the world in a way that works For us and not be expected to be operating on someone else's level emotionally.

 Another place in our charts where I really see this is of course in living in our environment. The environments are not mutually exclusive. Most environments can be created or found Everywhere, But by being true to the environments that we need to be in and that actually work for us and making sure that we're finding a way to spend time in those and live in those and create them for ourselves Even with the pressures of other family members, people we live with, other people's needs. That is a huge part of our differentiation process. And we can't expect ourselves to be thrown into any old environment that the group wants us to be in because that's what we're doing. And environment is another place where we may have to make some somewhat antisocial choices in order to make sure that we are in environments that feel good for us. If you want to learn more about your environment, I cover this in my guide to your personal manifestation process, which is a customised reading, and that's available on my website, pure And I'll also link it below. I love those guides because they're very practical and they help you figure out how to apply these things in your everyday life. Because agreeing to hang out all the time in your partner's cave, when you're a mountains person is just going to hold you and everyone else back when a better solution can definitely be found even if that is spending less time together with that person. This really happens between me and my partner. He's a caves person. He has his amazing workshop in the basement of our house where he feels so good and he would be quite happy to spend the entire summer down there tinkering and working on his projects. I'm a wet kitchen’s person. I need to be out mixing with other energies in civilization. And so there are times where I go off and do those things with other friends and family members and he stays here and that's okay. We don't have to do everything together because the most important thing in our union and connection is that we're both getting to experience what we love and enjoy and grow as individuals all the time. And of course the most important aspect of who we are, would be honouring our inner authority and having the space to do that as differentiated people within our relationships.

Sometimes certain things are a no and we just don't know why we just cannot explain why. And that's how we're know. We know we're making a correct choice or things are Yes. And it has nothing to do with the other person with how much we love them with how much we care about them. It has nothing to do with that. It's not personal, so much less is personal in this new paradigm because it's just about what we need to experience as individuals and if people are important to us and meant to be part of our lives on a deep level. It means that there's something else going on. There's an amazing third energy that's being created as we help each other, learn and grow and become ourselves as opposed to just clinging together because we're a tribe and we show up to all the tribal functions in order to show that we care. It just goes beyond all of that now. So having the freedom to honour our inner authority to not make everyone else's decisions that they make with their inner authority about us. allowing everyone to have the freedom to pursue their own path is really where we're headed in the future of relationships. 

The cross of the sleeping Phoenix has channelled 2034 as two of the gates of the cross and each cross has four gates. And this is a completely individual channel that goes from the sacral centre up to the throat if you're a manifesting generator, you may have this channel I think it is the most common channel in humanity. And I was recently reading some of Ra Uru Hu's words about this channel and this idea of individuals and how we care for each other when we're in that individual energy and mindset. And essentially what he says is that when we're relating to each other as fully differentiated individuals, we allow the people around us to have a lot of freedom with the 2034 channel, that person will probably not react well to somebody saying you know, don't do that. It's not safe. Stay back here. They'll say no, let me do that. I need to go do that. And it doesn't mean that they're going to do it right or they're not going to get hurt or they're not going to make a mistake. It's like they want you to then swoop in and be there for them once they've made the mistake. They don't want you to stop them from making the mistake and this is something that I resonate with. really strongly as a three line profile. But we all probably have some threes, somewhere in our chart. And also it's just part of this shift that we're going through this freedom to live as ourselves to experiment as ourselves to go off and try things as ourselves is more important than the safety or the worry of the crowd. We know that everybody has to experience what they're going to experience and we can care for others by being there to support them in what they have experienced as an individual to hear about it Afterwards to be there to pick up the pieces when they've fallen, to be there to comfort them when they've made a mistake or gone through something because the most important thing isn't to stay safe. It's actually to experience life and to support each other in our individual experiences that we're having. So are we all becoming antisocial? I really don't think so. But there is something that is deeply antisocial about going through the deconditioning process. When we compare it to society as we've known it and the values that we all probably grew up with over the last 100 years. So it's not really about being antisocial. It's really just about moving forward and being social in a different way and allowing ourselves to prioritise our own design, our own needs and our own inner guidance over the pressures from the outside world.

So thank you everyone. I'll talk to you next time as we continue heading into this cross of the sleeping Phoenix new paradigm and the Aquarian Age.