New Paradigm Human

Ep 6: 3 Reasons Why Manifesting Generators Might Not Feel Fast

Rachel Lieberman (@puregenerators) Episode 6

Are you a Manifesting Generator who doesn't feel fast (when everything is telling you you're supposed to ?) Today we're talking about 3 chart aspects that may affect your speed!

- Make sure to check out my new chart calculator and personalized 28-page beginner-friendly quick-start guide for Generators and MGs

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On this episode of New Paradigm Human, we're talking about why you might not feel very fast as a manifesting generator.

Hello, everyone, welcome back to the podcast. Thank you so much for being here. I have had so much fun doing this and it's becoming something that I'm focusing on more and more because it's just so joyful. So I really appreciate everyone listening. This week I posted on Instagram about different ways to view speed as a generator or a manifesting generator. And it started some interesting discussion particularly from manifesting generators who did not feel that they were fast. I love it when people bring this up because there are some very clear indicators in your chart. That may not make you feel like the classic fast manifesting generator. 

So today I wanted to cover those few aspects so that you can take a look at your chart and see if that's what you have going on as a manifesting generator who might not feel as fast as your quote unquote supposed to be according to human design. Before we get started, I wanted to let you know that I have something new. I have my own chart calculator on my website, which is so amazing. Putting this together has been so much fun. I love techy things and new tools. And what I really like about this calculator is that it covers things like all the variable arrows, for instance, it'll tell you your environment, your sense, your motivation, things like that. Things that the basic Free Chart calculators don't typically cover and if you are newer to human design, or you just want a really beautiful chart with what I feel is all the necessities for living your human design. You can check out my new chart calculator on pure And the other really cool thing is that I have a new 28 Page beginner friendly report that is an immediate download. So you can calculate your chart and then you can download this report for $9.99 and it covers your type, strategy, authority, profile, environment and all of your nine centres with some specific info whether they are defined or undefined. So instead of having to sift through information, it tailors everything perfectly to your chart. I just released this yesterday to my email list. It's already been really popular way more than I expected. So I'm definitely going to be doing more of this beginner friendly stuff in the future. And I love that it's available instantly on my site. It looks like a lot of people have been getting them for themselves or getting them for a friend or family member. I'm excited to have something that I can finally just generate with the click of a button that I can give to a family member who's maybe new to human design and this is specifically for generators and manifesting generators right now. I probably will extend it to other types later on this summer but not quite yet. So generators and manifesting generators 28 Page quickstart guide to your chart $9.99 at pure

So now manifesting generators and feeling slow. We're going to go through three different things in your chart that may affect your speed as a manifesting generator. The first one is whether or not you have channel 34-20. So take a look at your chart. And if you don't have channel 34-20 Which goes directly from a sacral to the throat, you may not feel like the classic superfast manifesting generator. Technically, the people who have 34-20 are true manifesting generators because if we think about it, the sacral is the generator centre and the throat is the manifestation centre. So when you're going straight from sacral to throat straight from response to action manifestation that would make someone sort of a pure manifesting generator. However, people are still classified as manifesting generators. If you have that connection from the sacral to the throat through another centre. so it'd be very common for someone to have that through their identity centre or G centre right in the middle of their body. You could also have it through your spleen or solar plexus, and that would still calculate you classify you as a manifesting generator. However, a lot of this Classic's speed for manifesting generators comes from the fact that they often move straight from response to action. So someone would that 34-20 channel is going to be very fast in that way. And I would say even if you have emotional authority, you can often be very fast. Maybe not with the bigger decisions in your life because you'll be making your way through your emotions and your emotional wave. But with little things, you'll probably still feel a lot of those very instantaneous responses and jumps into action. Channel 34-20 is just people who are busy, busy in a lot of different ways. Sometimes they're busy, doing things they don't even know what they're doing. Sometimes they're busy and they know exactly what they're doing. A lot of that has to do with just what else you have connected to that 34-20 channel. So if you have these different gates around there, the 10 different ones, but basically there's just inherent business and speed for people with the 34-20. If you think about it, if you've got your connection from your sacral go into your throat through another centre. It's going to slow down the way that that energy moves. So it's going to have to make it through that centre make it through another channel before it goes to your throat. Because remember the Human Design body graph, it's purely mechanical. And it really is just about energy moving through these different centres which gives us different experiences and awareness and perception of the world and action and all of the different ways. Basically all of the energy is always trying to make its way to our throat to be expressed, manifested and to turn into action.

 So if you have an indirect connection from your sacral you're doing energy centre to your throat, you may just feel slower as a manifesting generator and you're not that sort of pure, true classic manifesting generator. You're still a manifesting generator, but it's just a less direct connection. So you may not embody as much this idea of speed, but you probably still embody a lot of the other things of being a manifesting generator, like being multi passionate, needing multiple outlets for your energy, and also being able to pivot on your journey toward experiencing and expanding, you'll also probably still really resonate with the idea of expansion as opposed to mastery, which is more of a generator thing. But we're all complex beings. There's a lot of other things in our chart that can affect us in small ways, but this 34-20 will definitely have a big effect whether you have it or not whether you're feeling really classically fast or not so much. 

The next thing that can affect your speed as a manifesting generator is of course emotional authority. So I just touched on this a little bit, but this is going to affect particularly the bigger decisions in your life. For me personally as a sacral generator when I'm making a decision when I am responding to something I know pretty much right away whether I'm going to move forward with that or not. Because I am a generator and not a manifesting generator and I have an almost completely undefined throat. I just have a one throat gate. It takes a while for my response energy to make its way up to my throat. So while I am a very fast decision maker, I'm not always the fastest to get moving on that decision and sometimes when you're making big decisions, even if you have sacral authority, you still need to take time to let any emotions that arise, prot like processed and kind of move away. So you're not using your emotions as a sacral authority to make a decision, but they can sort of cloud the decision that you're already feeling in your gut. But of course for a manifesting generator with emotional authority, for instance, my partner is a classic manifesting generator channel 34-20 I would say just a very fast mover physically he moves fast. He's very busy, but with the larger things in his life with the bigger decisions, he can definitely be slower. So it just depends on how you're looking at speed. Day to day I would say he's a very fast mover he works in a lot of different iterations. He goes for things he test them out. He's looking for shortcuts, things like that. Whereas for big decisions in his life, I would say he's actually slower than the average person because it depends on what kind of emotional wave you have whether you notice that your wave is fairly short or longer. His i feel for some big decisions just like yours, and that's okay. So you may be a manifesting generator that is very fast in smaller day to day things slower with larger decisions. 

Conversely, if you are a sacral authority, a manifesting generator without the 34-20 without the direct throat connection, you may be slower to take action every day, but actually quite fast with your bigger decisions. And another thing that can affect your speed or commonly affects the speed of a manifesting generator or their perceived speed is whether you're a single definition, split definition, Triple Split, quadruple split. All of these splits are very common in manifesting generators because manifesting generators typically have a lot more centres defined than the average person not always, but typically, if you have single definition and you can find all of this by generating your chart on my site or other sites too. It means that all your defined centres are connected. So they're all talking to each other. They're communicating to each other directly. And so your decision making process is probably going to be more direct, not necessarily fast if your emotional authority, but all the pieces of you, all the voices you have inside of yourself that are consistent, are connected and kind of in conversation with each other naturally. You're not taking in as much energy from other people to bridge different parts of your design. And so you're just going to be probably a faster decision maker and a faster mover.

If you have split definition, it means you have two distinct groups of centres in your body graph for instance, I have one group down in my body where all my centres are connected. And then I have my head and Aashna that are connected but they're very separate from the other group of centres. So it's almost like I've got my head talking to me and then I've got my sacral and my body and everything else below. And so sometimes for me, it takes a while to allow all of that energy to process and make its way to my throat. And it really just feels like I have these two distinct processes and things going on inside of me at any given time. So for me being around other people that naturally bridge those splits, meaning they have gates or channels that connect all of my centres together helps me process faster, but just overall I'm gonna be naturally a bit more of a slow processor. So if you have that split definition you also may be and you may process better energetically with another person. 

If you got a triple split that may slow you down even more because you have three distinct groupings of centres within your body graph. for you finding a variety of people to bridge your splits is good, you're probably not going to want to be around the same person all the time that will feel sort of stifling and boring for you. So for you, getting out in the world, getting some different people to bridge your different splits and help all of your centres to talk to each other will help you process and move into action. But you may just need more time for that energy to make its way through your body graph. So you may be slower. 

Then if you've got a quadruple split, it's really the same thing but just you'll need even more time to allow things to process through your body graph. So for you even if your sacral authority, particularly if your emotional authority, when you have that many centres defined, it just means there's a lot of competing, consistent energy within your body graph. So you're probably going to have to sit with things longer than the average person for all of it to kind of filter make its way to the throat and process within you. For you also getting out getting around other people's energies can be very helpful and help you move faster but it's okay, we're not all just trying to move fast. We all have our own pace, and that is totally fine. So yeah, those are the three things in the body graph that I typically find will affect the speed of a manifesting generator who does not feel super fast. Chances are you probably are faster than you think you are compared to a lot of us. But depending on how many of those things you have going on. You may not fit that stereotype of the fast manifesting generator. And that's okay. When we talk about human design on Instagram or on a blog or on a podcast the way that I do when I'm sharing information and content that's out there for the general population as opposed to reading one person's chart. There are these generalisations that we sort of have to deal in because they may be true most of the time. But it's important never to just assume that because there's a generalisation out there that you are lacking in any way or you still don't fit your tie when really there's probably just a few things going on in your chart that may make you slightly different from that generalisation. So we always have to take these things with a grain of salt. I personally still feel that it's worth sharing these ideas because it does apply to most people. And even if it doesn't, it gives you an opportunity to learn more about yourself and figure out why maybe that doesn't apply after all. Human Design is the science of differentiation. We are all different. There's no way to speak to every single unique person when we talk about these topics. But hopefully they are an invitation for us to take a look at our own charts and reflect a bit and learn a bit more about maybe why we're not resonating with something when someone says something about our type. If you really liked this and you're particularly interested in thinking about the dynamics of how energy makes its way to our throat, I would recommend checking out my guide to your personal manifestation process that is a big focus of that guide. When you have throat channels, I always cover those in that guide and if you have an undefined throat I also go deep into that aspect of your chart. Because the throat is our manifestation centre. Our manifestation process is all about how our energy is uniquely designed to make it to our throat. So I would highly recommend checking that out. I will link it below but you can also find it at pure in my shop. 

So thank you again for being here. Don't forget to check out that personal manifestation guide. In my new chart calculator and 28 page report at pure And I'll talk to you next time…