New Paradigm Human

Ep 9: The Euphoria of Saying No | Exercise for Generators and Manifesting Generators

Rachel Lieberman (@puregenerators) Episode 9

I've got a simple experiment for you to try this week! What would it look like to say no to everything that wasn't truly energizing?

It's so easy to let the "shoulds" creep in and let the mind convince us that if we don't grab on to something, nothing else will ever come along.

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On this episode of New Paradigm human we are talking about the deconditioning process. 

Hello everyone, today we're going to talk about deconditioning. I put up a question on my Instagram, asking if people knew what it was if they had any questions about it. Sometimes it's really good to revisit these foundational aspects of human design. There's so many people that are just coming to the system now. Honestly, all of us could use a refresher on these things. And I feel like it's very much in alignment with the concept of deconditioning that we revisit the same things over and over in our process. So I get a lot out of this too. So thank you so much for submitting such good questions and good topic ideas. And if you don't follow me on Instagram, you can find me there at pure generators. And I'll be asking more questions like this to get ideas for podcast topics that would benefit everybody, as well as some other projects I'm working on. So that's just a good place to connect in that way. 

But then I like to take those questions and ideas and make them into this more long form content that does not disappear after 24 hours and get lost in the craziness of Instagram so that we can all go into it deeply here.So let's start with just what deconditioning is both mechanically and practically. So with human design, everything that is happening within our design within our body graph is mechanical, meaning it's really just about the way that energy moves through the body graph. So this is pretty different from other systems. or types of healing, you know, astrology, different things that are more about maybe stories or character personality characteristics or healing modalities, where you're dealing with the past and emotions and all these things. So all those things are related to the deconditioning process, but the foundation of the human design chart is that it is something that is really just a mechanic. So when our auras are out in the world, they're coming in contact with other auras. And as we make decisions, specifically using our strategy and authority, mechanically, we begin to release energy that we have taken on from the people around us, especially people that we spend a lot of time with, or our primary caretakers as we grew up, because they had different designs they had different gates and channels. They had their own distorted views from growing up in the world. And those thoughts, concepts and ideas also make their way into our minds through our undefined gates, channels and centres. 

So really, conditioning is any energy that we are holding on to in our body. Any beliefs that we're holding on to that really are not our own that have come to us through our places of openness. When we begin to live according to our design, which primarily is our strategy and authority, but it definitely goes deeper than this. I feel like environment is a really important part of our deconditioning and if you wonder what your environment is I do cover this in my 28 page quickstart guide to your chart. But you can also just find it on my chart calculator and I have a blog post about it as well. That's just a little bit less detailed. You can find the chart calculator on pure And I'll also link it below. So there's not one thing that is our deconditioning process. It starts with our strategy and authority. And then as we honour that it begins to build out from there. But when we are living in alignment with our inner guidance, because that is the most important part of our human design. We begin to naturally release ideas and energy that are not ours. So that's how that mechanic works within the body graph. 

When we think about our physical body, our cells regenerate every seven years and so Ra Uru Hu who founded Human Design always said that it takes seven full years to fully decondition because these are the things that are happening to us at the cellular level and at the genetic level. So it would make sense that once all of our cells have regenerated over seven years, then we would literally be a brand new person and if we've been living for seven years, making the majority of our decisions with our strategy and authority, then sort of all of those cells that have been replaced would be free of those kinds of outside ideas and different ways of acting and being and perceiving the world that we took on from other people. I don't know if it takes a full seven years at this point. In time. A lot of us are experiencing some accelerated growth and awakening especially as we neared 2027 As we moved away from 2012 when a lot of this intense New Energy began to appear on Earth, so I think it's good for us to be open to the idea that it may not take that long, but in the end, it doesn't really matter. We're just living our life day to day allowing things to fall away, transforming physically, mentally and emotionally because that's what starts to happen when we live from our internal guidance. 

So that's how all this happens mechanically, but how does it actually show up in our lives? Honestly, my experience has been that you can begin a type of deconditioning just simply by questioning the things that you're doing in your life. So before I even knew about human design, or really had this tool, which has very much sped all of this up. But before I really knew about it, what I was doing, which was a type of deconditioning was I was just gaining awareness and sort of shifting into what human design would call like a passenger consciousness of starting to watch my behaviours, my actions, my feelings, the way I was operating in the world. And just getting some awareness around why I did the things I did or didn't do or why I made certain decisions or where the roots of just some of the things that were happening in my life were from childhood. And so that is a type of deconditioning. It's kind of like an emotional deconditioning in a way. So, human design, sort of explains the mechanics of how we decondition but a lot of us have begun the deconditioning process through things like Shadow Work or therapy or emotional healing all those things because really what they are is they're allowing us to take a look at maybe a lot of the ideas and concepts we have in our head about the world, which then sort of feed into our emotions and begin to question some of those and decide if they're things that really are serving us or things we want to bring forward with us or if they're just things that have been placed on us that really aren't true to us. 

So a lot of those other healing modalities handle sort of this like mental and emotional deconditioning I would say. So for me personally, when I found human design, I was like okay, yeah, there's definitely some work that I've done in other areas of my life of healing. That really makes sense with this process. And then I feel like human design just like takes it to a deep level. It takes it down to the cellular level. And so it really will affect every single area of your life. It will change the way you relate to people and might end up changing your work. It may show you all sorts of different new interests you have or move you away from things that you have been putting your energy toward. You might end up moving houses or moving completely and changing your environment. You may start to think differently about things because you've released a lot of ideas that were placed onto you by society and by your primary caretakers. You might end up refining who you were as a child, especially if you have a defined identity centre. Or you might release all sorts of identities that you thought were you and really are not and that would probably be more common if you have an undefined identity centre and most importantly, it just makes you more aware of who you really are, how you really operate, how you can navigate situations with some new knowledge of  how you are for instance, when we consciously get some knowledge or confirmation of something that we're already feeling inside, which really is what human design provides. A lot of us are not at all surprised when we learn about our design, because it's something that we've already felt but when we see that it's something that appears there in a chart that makes it clear. It's like a permission slip to be able to actually listen to that thing. So for instance, if you've always felt this gut instinct and you find out you're a generator, it's so much easier for the mind to wrap itself around, allowing ourselves to follow our gut and to allow that to drive our lives. So deconditioning really happens on two levels that happens on that mechanical level, which is completely outside of what the mind can comprehend. It's really happening within our aura within our energy centres within our bodies. And then there's also this mental deconditioning that we go through and the way that our mind shifts into a new place of observing our bodies instead of trying to take control of everything that we're doing. And the two just really feed on each other because the more comfortable our mind gets allowing our inner guidance to take the wheel. The more our inner guidance makes decisions that are really true for us and the less we take on energy and patterns and expectations of the outside world and so it just creates this wonderful feedback loop that just accelerates over time. And after a while, it's like you look back and you realise everything in my life has shifted, or so many things in my life have shifted. And it all happened through these momentary decisions literally cell by cell in the body as we become who we truly are. Because we're not just operating out of some external structure that's telling us what to do. Instead, we're allowing who we are to truly emerge from within us and be generated into ourselves. 

It's just such an exciting concept and it's so cool to see it happen to people and it's cool that so many of us are coming to this at this time. I'm only through a little over three years into my official deconditioning process of beginning to live in alignment with my design, sort of with my mind fully understanding of what's going on. And so I feel like in so many ways, I'm just scratching the surface and yet I have already seen so much transformation in my life, but it's been for me about seven years since I started sort of that emotional and mental deconditioning process and everything has shifted since then. Honestly, I am not the same person and neither are the people around me who I am seeing goes through their own deconditioning process. So it's just so beautiful to witness this. And it's not something we have to control with our minds. It's not something that happens overnight. It's something that unfolds over time. And basically what will happen is kind of one day you'll look back and be like oh, wow, I am not the same person. Because each of your cells has come forward and hasn't been squished or conditioned or controlled by any outside force. And instead they're just they're dancing as who you truly are. So it's really such a cool thing. 

So yeah, there's no ritual that you have to do. There's no thing you have to keep your mind focused on. And it's also not just live your studying authority. I mean, that comes up so much in human design, and it is so important. It's so important that we understand how to practically apply that in our daily lives, which is why I do so much of what I do and create for generators and manifesting generators, because I really like it to be practical. And we really can spend a long time discovering the depths of what it means to live from that inner guidance. But the mind can really participate too by beginning to observe how we live, why we live, where we live, how we behave in certain situations, what we're enjoying about our life, what we're not, there's so many awesome tasks that we can give the mind to really help us understand ourselves. And that's also a really important part of the deconditioning process. And of course, this process extends to every single aspect of our design, our profile, our digestion, our environment, our motivation, our perspective, like all the deep, deep, deep, deep layers of our human design, but we don't need to know about those things necessarily in order to get the tangible benefits in our lives. There's a lot of layers of human design that I haven't even begun to explore and that's okay, maybe I'll get to those eventually, if I'm interested. Maybe I won't because just with these more surface tools of understanding our energy centres, our profile, our strategy, our authority, our environment, our digestion, a lot of these things that I'm working on covering over the next year so we can truly transform everything and things that felt so impossible before suddenly become possible because we've truly become a different person on a cellular level.

I got some specific questions from people that I think are really good and so I'd love to just go through them. And the first one is what's the best way to begin the deconditioning process? I guess I touched on this a little bit, but learning the basics of your design and beginning to ask yourself those questions, shift your mind into that observer mode. And start to question basically why you do the things you do how you do them. How does it feel when we begin this process? Sometimes we're so cut off from what something that really is like a yes from our inner guidances that it takes a while to discover that I still feel like I'm discovering new levels of that and it'll be so interesting to see if that continues for me like to the seven year mark or through the rest of my life, but it's like, I feel like I'm discovering deeper and deeper meaning behind what an actual yes is for me from my inner guidance. So it can be a slower process of just feeling into that as you go. And typically once you begin this process of honouring your strategy and authority, the best that you can you start to get a better idea of oh, this is what it means to be energised. This is what it means to really be enjoying what I'm doing. If you're a projector if this is what oh, this is what it really means to be recognised. There's just so many shoulds in the world and most of us have heads that are just absolutely filled with them. So it can take a little while to begin to filter those things out. I personally am still working on it. But I've made a lot of progress. And I started this in a more intentional way three years ago. And so examining those shoulds and beginning to tap into that inner guidance, I would say is the best place to start with this. Getting knowledge about different parts of your design is really helpful if especially if it brings you joy or if it's something that feels interesting to you, but it's definitely not necessary To know everything in order to begin this process. It's really just a process of observing yourself observing how your body responds to things, knowing enough about your design that you kind of have an idea of maybe what alignment might feel for you in your body and then you can fine tune that over time. 

Someone else said that they were having a hard time deconditioning their digestion and they were starting to doubt if it's really needed. And this brings up a really good point because the deconditioning process is going to happen on its own timeframe. We can experiment with things, but honestly if it's not feeling like something like Oh yes, I recognise this as being really great for me this feels right. And this is something that I always knew all along and I finally recognise it. If it's just feeling like it's not really doing anything for you. Like you're kind of forcing it. Don't worry about that for now. There have been so many aspects of my design where I was like, Well, I know that I probably should make this change in this place. But anytime that word should creeps in, it's kind of like you can leave it alone, either that will become clear to you later as you get further into your deconditioning process. Or it may just not be right for you. So human design is not a list of rules we have to follow in order to achieve some kind of perfection. So many of us have been socialised into viewing things that way myself included. So that's another thing that we can release and if you're just feeling like it's not necessary for you, then truly do not worry about it. Because ultimately, the point of all this is just to live very naturally. Living naturally is really hard to do because our heads have been filled with all these ideas about ourselves in the world. And so that's the idea behind all this and when we place more shoulds in ourselves. That's kind of counterproductive. So if there's anything about your design that you feel does not resonate with you, or just doesn't feel like the right thing. Just forget about it and focus on going toward the things that feel right for you. 

Someone said can we talk about how painful it is? There's just this emotional pain that I literally feel physically. And I really understand that deconditioning emotionally or just the emotional responses we have to making decisions from our inner guidance can be so intense sometimes it can bring up feelings of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, we can feel selfish or alone, or it can be something that we understand is actually feels quite right and good for us on one level. But maybe we've been conditioned and socialised into not doing things that feel good for us therefore, doing something that feels good can bring up its own pain. So everyone's relationship to this and story to this will be so different just based on the childhoods we've had, and the life experiences we've had. So there's no like one way that anyone will feel in the deconditioning process. But I would say that if you're feeling this pain, that is completely normal. For me, that has been a big part of just like my spiritual awakening or deconditioning process of doing a lot of things that I knew were right for me but felt really foreign and caused a lot of questioning and processing. When you do this, you really are kind of breaking out of the matrix and it's not easy. It feels very scary for our minds on many levels. And so all we can do is proceed with Grace, slow down when we need to allow ourselves the time to let things integrate or not. If you don't need it. We're all different. But yes it can definitely be painful. Generally though, along with that pain is a sense of relief, a sense of realisation and expanding of your awareness and a recognition that there is something that also feels incredibly true. 

Someone else asked ‘how do you decondition open ego as a generator?’. I'm a generator that has a completely open ego and something that has been really helpful is the phrase that you always hear about the identity centre, the ego Centre, which is when it's undefined or completely open, you have nothing to prove. So this is where your mind can kind of help you check in at points. Like okay, am I doing this because I feel like I have something to prove. Is this feeling of not being good enough? Because I really want to offer more and that feels correct to me, or is it because I just have this mechanic in my body which literally just kind of makes me feel like nothing is ever good enough. So really, anytime you have that feeling of like, I'm not good enough, this isn't good enough. I need to offer more I need to prove myself. Then you can take a step back. recognise this is just a mechanic I have in my body. It's totally normal to feel this way. It's literally built into you. There is nothing wrong with you. It's just that your mind sort of makes up these concepts or questions when that centre brings in energy and then loses it once that other person's aura leaves us or that transit leaves the sky. So yeah, I would say that with most centres, having that base idea of what are some of those thoughts that may come from that centre, and then recognising when we're having them and allowing them to go, allowing ourselves not to act on them. And to remind ourselves, I have absolutely nothing to prove. Again, this is not a process that takes place one time and is done. It's not something that happens overnight. We're always going to have these vulnerabilities to these thoughts in our chart. That's just where we're open. That's where we're open to life. It's not good or bad. It's a really beautiful thing to have that openness and it allows us to have a lot of different experiences and wisdom in those centres. But to decondition them we kind of have to remind ourselves over and over and over that we don't have to have those thoughts. We don't have to accept them as true, we don't have to act on them. And we can just let the feeling be there.

 Someone else asked ‘how do i decondition with Human design after the age of 50?’ Probably at the age of 50. You may have some ideas, beliefs, patterns, basically conditioning from the outside world just more ingrained in you so give yourself a lot of space to just take a little longer and maybe to release some of those things. But it really does depend on the person. Some people are very fast. Some people just need more time. So yeah, I don't really feel like it's all that different after the age of 50 Just that you've had more time on this planet with a lot of the beliefs, conditioning and societal pressures to infiltrate your consciousness but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to be harder to decondition it's just something to be aware of that you may have been living with those outside expectations or ideas or beliefs for a bit longer. 

Someone else asked a great question, ‘what are some simple everyday things to do or keep in mind that helped to add up over time?’ And yes, of course, honouring your strategy and authority as much as possible. Truly will construct a completely different life for you. Over time, if there are a lot of things in your life that just don't feel like they're in alignment with who you truly are. But also this idea of just checking in with how your body's feeling about the things you're doing. Are you feeling tired? Are you feeling drained? Are you feeling frustrated? If you're a generator or mg. Are you feeling angry if you're a manifester, bitter if you're a projector, disappointed if you're a reflector, just sort of checking in, how are you feeling about the things that you're doing? And not really necessarily trying to make a change to that but just being aware of it goes a long way. And those two habits of honouring your strategy and authority, your inner guidance as much as possible, and gaining that awareness and observing what you're doing, and how your body's feeling about it are two habits that will create so much transformation in your life and it's super simple, but it's just so powerful. 

Another great question is, is this something that happens to you or do you actively have to work on it sort of in a conscious way? And I guess we touched on this a little bit, but I really want to clarify that. Kind of the point of this is to move away from trying to control things consciously. Instead, shifting our conscious into that place of the observer so that it can watch our body, watch the actions that we're taking, and really just sort of gather data in a way but so much of this is just about helping our mind. Calm down, realise it's completely safe to allow our inner guidance to take the lead. And by implementing that habit of helping the mind chill out, allowing the inner guidance to step forward. Yeah, we don't have to have a checklist. We don't have to consciously be thinking like decondition, decondition,  decondition.  We just have to consciously be thinking, How does my body feel about this? Where's my inner guidance leading me? How can I allow my profile to really shine? How can I get myself in the correct environment? And instead of trying to answer those questions with your mind in most cases, it's just something that you can have in your awareness. But again, some of us will be more mentally driven. Some of us in a lot of ways are designed to just not think at all I know a lot of manifesting generators with undefined heads, or maybe both undefined heads and oddness, who really don't think a lot about their actions and that's correct for them because they're people who kind of go straight from response to action. So it's gonna be very different, but my guess is that whoever thats answering this question is a bit more like me has a lot of mental energy. And so yeah, no, you don't really have to try to consciously control this or make it happen in any way. Just tune into where your inner guidance is leading you and the more that you allow that to lead in your life, the more you will decondition and the more that you'll be living the life that is meant for you and that's something I want to make clear to is human design isn't just about living a better life or life with more success or more money or objectively better things happening to you. I do think all of those things are true. But it's not just about that. It's about living the life that is for you. Coming to the right challenges for you, seeing the right things, meeting the right people, having the right experiences, that are what you need to grow and what your soul has come here to experience. So while we're not really dealing directly with the soul in human design, when we talk about it, it is such a mechanical thing that's happening in our body I really feel that the point of all of this is to allow our bodies to be moving throughout the world, to allow us to experience what our soul wanted to come here and experience.Our bodies are just the third dimensional physical manifestation, the vehicle that allows us to experience all these amazing things. 

So yeah, it's really about allowing our bodies to take us toward what we are meant to experience and we can't predict that we can't control it. All we can do is allow the mind to chill out and we don't have to control the process. The more decisions we make with our inner guidance, the more we allow these parts of us that we feel are true to express themselves in the world. The more we release what is not us, and yeah, we don't have to work to become something else. In fact, that's kind of the opposite of what we're doing. We're actually allowing all of those things that we've taken on to fall away so thank you so much, everybody for your questions. It's been so much fun to think about this topic deeper. I personally have had some pretty big epiphanies while I've been talking about this, and it's just such an amazing process to allow our mind to feel safe to let our bodies guide us in their own unique way, which is our strategy and authority. And over time, understand what those things really mean for us in practice. After a while it becomes as normal as any of the other things that we have been conditioned into in our lives. And eventually we look around and realise wow, I am really experiencing exactly the type of life that I am meant to experience here on Earth. Not a perfect one. Not anything that fits into the binary of good or bad necessarily but just the one that feels truly meaningful for you. 

So we'll continue on this deconditioning process. I'm definitely here to keep everyone company to try to clear up some of these confusions about these things. And we will all continue moment by moment with this process and allow each of our cells to die off and be reborn as this authentic version of ourselves. So thank you again and I'll talk to you next time.