New Paradigm Human

Ep 10: Demystifying the 4/1 Profile

Rachel Lieberman (@puregenerators) Episode 10

There is a lot of jargon and theories on the 4/1 Profile, but what does it all really mean? Based on my own research and observations, I'm breaking down how the 4-line and the 1-line works for this rare Profile and what it means to have a fixed fate in daily life.

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On this episode of New Paradigm human we're demystifying the four one profile. 

Hello, everyone, I just had a very generator moment where I was looking at all the possibilities of things that I could do today on my to-do list And my mind definitely wanted to go to some different ones that felt more logical, but I honestly just felt really excited about recording this episode. Like I really felt like I had the energy to sit down and do it and I'm really doubling down on listening to that all the time, Right now. So here we go. 

I was inspired to record this because I feel like there is some information out there about the 4-1 profile that I personally don't totally agree with, or just the way that people talk about it isn't super helpful to understanding exactly how it works. Not all of us have four one profiles in our lives. It's the least common profile that there is. And I was also inspired to make this by someone I have been observing in depth for quite a while, a public figure, someone who's had a hard time lately over the past couple of years in their career. They've kind of gone through a cancellation. I won't say who it is because I don't really want to make this episode about them. But finding out that they were a four one profile explained so many things. And then I had a great example in front of me of this dynamic that made it so that I really understood this profile. So I thought I would pass that along to everybody else too, because it's really interesting.So let's start with talking about what is out there as sort of the prevailing ideas about this profile or the way it's described. Some people describe it as a profile that doesn't have karma, or a profile, That's like a bonus life and I actually don't really resonate with that. It could be true, I don't know. But I feel like when people hear that they don't know what to make of that. Like we don't know what that means exactly, especially practically. So there's a lot of confusion around that. People also say it has a fixed fate. And often we don't really understand why that is or what that means. So let's start by looking at the two profile lines that we have here and then talking a little bit about how those will work together when they are positioned in the conscious and unconscious like this. 

So the four line profile is about mixing with the people around them. So if you have that in your conscious then being out with a lot of different energies, finding opportunities through other people, sharing your truths with the people around you is going to be the central role. Then if we think about having the one in the unconscious, it's almost like people who have this at the end of the day they always come home to themselves that one line because the one line is not interested with what other people are doing. It's only interested in its own process of introspection, research and learning and empathy. So other people will have an effect on this. They do fulfil a certain purpose for a one line. I personally am a one three profile. And the one line is not just introspecting or researching. It's also deeply empathetic. So essentially it's learning through feeling into other people's experiences. So it's not like people don't matter at all to a one line, But people are not going to be the ultimate truth source for a one line. They're not going to be the motivation. They're just something that provides material for the one line to use as it introspectively builds its foundation or another way of saying that is it gets to the truth of something. So if we think about this four one profile, essentially this person is out here mixing with all these people looking for opportunities, looking for material using their empathy, To learn but at the end of the day, the any learning that they do or any growing that they do, is always going to be self driven, and fully checked against what that person believes inside of themselves. So as one lines, our change always has to come from within. And if you have a one line as your first profile line to your conscious profile line like I do, then the other line will have an effect on how you get to your truth. So I'm a one-three, I learn and grow through trying to figure something out and then experimenting with it. So that experimentation provides a lot of information and perspective for me, which then helps me upgrade or change or not my one line truth this works the same for a one-four profile. So they have their truth that they're figuring out. They take that out to their community, their connections. And based on the feedback from those people, they will bring that home and re-evaluate their truth. But when you have this one as the unconscious line, they're always going to be checking what other people have said against their truth, not checking their truth against what other people have said. So when they say that this is a fixed fate, or there's a stubbornness to this, that is absolutely true. And it's just part of the mechanic of these two lines coming together. So what does it really mean to have a fixed fate? What it means in this case is that the person with the four one profile is coming into this world with the things that they're here to get to the bottom of in their own process of introspection and learning through introspection, and that's it. They're not here to be swayed by anybody else, at least in the overarching adventure of their life. They might have an undefined and completely open identity centre, in which case they are here to be affected by other people. But that ultimately is sort of more the how whereas our profile is more of a role. It is more the what, its probably the most what part of our chart, whereas most of human design really is the how. So this person is here to discover a truth, their truth and share that with others. So that's what I feel makes them have this fixed fate. They come in with this thing that they're meant to discover and share with others. And that's really it. They're not here to be pressured by anybody else.

The next question that I had about this and I was pondering is, if you're stubborn, does that mean you don't evolve? I would say no, there's a lot of different aspects of our chart that can make us stubborn, particularly this one and four combination in the profile lines. I've got some one fours in my life and there's just a natural amount of stubbornness in that combination because they are taking their knowledge. They're bringing it out into your community. They're sharing it around, and it takes a lot of pressure from other people, For them to reassess that foundation that they've discovered and changed their mind. Ultimately, they are here to change their mind, unlike the for one, but it's not something that happens easily. It's going to take a lot of feedback and repeated suggestions from the people around them To make that shift. So if you have any one four profiles in your life, and you get annoyed that they're stubborn, yes, they are stubborn, but usually you just have to keep chipping away at them. 

The fourth one though, the chipping away is not going to have the same effect. It's not going to help them expand. And I'll talk a little bit more about that later. But stubborn still does not mean you don't evolve for the four one. It's just that evolution has to come through introspection. So I would say that a four one who does not take the time to really introspect on things to really reflect, research and empathise with other people is a fairly dangerous person because they can be very, bullheaded. In the way that they're encountering life and that's okay. But they need to make sure that this stubbornness and this frequency that they're putting out there this truth that they're putting out there is something that they have spent a lot of time with that they've really felt into themselves and others and gotten all the facts before they begin espousing this information. I feel that there is a major responsibility that comes with this four one profile, To really do that inner work. Inner work is not going to be correct for everybody in that same sense, Someone who's a two, four spending time trying to introspect really hard and really intentionally and discover the truth that's just not really going to be correct, For someone who's a two four they're going to do best when they're engaging in things in a way that feels very natural to them. And then they're learning through their connections. So we can just decondition from this idea that there's only one way to do inner work there really is not. But this classic sense of inner work of this really deep introspection, I would say that is a one line thing. So for a four one, the only way they're going to evolve is through introspecting. So if they have put up a wall and decided I know everything, I don't need to change my mind. I don't need to look within or take time by myself. That is not going to result in a good situation for anybody. 

In the case of this person that I have been watching this four one that's very similar to what happened to her. When I say the inner work to that also means healing, really engaging in that intentional healing, the upgrading of your own consciousness, looking at your wounds, working through those things, getting over the fear, the insecurity all of the wounds of the one line that I talked about in my previous episode, which you can check out but also just the wounds that we take on as people so this person had a difficult childhood, and I really think did not take the time to introspect enough on those wounds and instead kind of fell into what we all fall into sometimes, which is looking to the outer world to give us notes on how we should be and when that happens. We often disconnect from our own inner truth as one lines and that is just not a good thing. So what she ended up doing was sharing and spreading a lot of information and advice that was really hurtful and judgmental of a lot of people and not only that, but wasn't even necessarily her own truth. It was like she was operating off some one line beliefs from a long time ago and did not upgrade those until she did and then it kind of came off as she was living a lie or lying to people and profiting off of that. So she was finding opportunities out there for lines she's mixing with a lot of people with a faulty foundation. So for a four one, they need to make sure that their foundation is fully up to date fully explored. It's something that they can really rely on because they have an intimacy with their inner world and understand themselves and their truth very deeply because if not, they're just going to be out there getting opportunities. And it can be almost predatory in a way if you're just out there being opportunistic, which is also natural for the four line. But if those opportunities are being accepted or acquired from a faulty or wounded foundation, then that's where the four one can run into problems. So to sum it up, intimacy with the inner world and deep introspection as a means of evolving is so important for four ones, it's not going to happen through other people, It's really going to happen through your closeness with yourself and your ability to be honest with yourself. Now that we've talked about some of the more challenging or dark sides of this profile, let's talk about some of the beautiful gifts that it offers to the world. 

Stubbornness is a two edged sword. It's not a bad thing, and it can also manifest as strong conviction. And that's really beautiful. If a four one has something really meaningful to share to the world, then nothing is going to stop them from doing that. If they have discovered a deep truth that is helpful to other people. They're going to be virtually unstoppable in sharing that and they're going to have a really positive impact on the people around them. And if they're doing this inner work, this introspection correctly and being truly honest with themselves, they're going to have a real depth of knowledge and empathy. That is also a really positive thing to share with other people. They're going to be sharing their message from a place of really understanding themselves and the human condition very deeply. 

Another really interesting thing about this profile is that it is really rigid and unlike maybe someone who has a three line like me that is quite malleable and always looking to mutate and upgrade the four one is really not doing that, their upgrades happen in a much more quiet and inwardly focused way. And when you are rigid, that means that you can actually break so there is a fragility to this profile. The remedy for that fragility is having the right people around you who really accept you exactly as you are in your process, because you're not really going to be able to change someone with this profile. They are living a journey that is very solitary and very lonely in a lot of ways. So that's where that fourth line comes in. Their friends and connections are really important to their journey, but only as people that really want their influence want to be influenced by them are ready to receive what they have to offer their message their truth, their beliefs, and those are the same people that are going to be there for them through thick or thin and that will be tested for a four one profile especially if they start to share a faulty foundation. When we think about the public figure that I was watching and learning from with a four one profile. She had a series of pretty bad cancellations. And there were a couple of interesting things. One, she kind of keeps going as if she's completely unaware of what has happened. So there is that just extreme stubbornness and tenacity, which is kind of mind blowing to a lot of people. She has a lot of critics, but it makes sense when we think she has a four one profile she should keep going but she just needs to make sure that she is doing the introspection that allows her to evolve and upgrade herself. And share truths that actually have a strong foundation. But what surprised me a little bit and maybe some other people or maybe it's not surprising, but she has some people in her life that really stuck by her through all of this and I was a little surprised like wow, I'm really glad she has these people in her life because this clearly is a difficult thing to go through. And they just seem to be there no matter what. So these are the right people she has found some four line people who really really love her and believe in her and like being affected by her because four one profiles, if they're into you, if they feel like you are good people for them to be around or positive people and you have that nice reciprocal relationship of caring about each other. They will be there to ride or die for you too. That's part of their stubborn nature. 

So four ones can be really fragile, they can break and it's gonna be very hard for them to figure out what happened because they're just not really designed to understand very well how people outside of them are interpreting them I would say or how other people are feeling who aren't in their circle. And the people that are around them are not going to be able to force them to change but what they can do is serve as a safe place for them to introspect and thus, make changes and evolve on their own. They can be that soft landing place, that unconditional sense of support that allows them to go through their own process and doesn't rush them or try to force them in any one direction. And again, this can be very lonely. Because there is going to be a lot of pressure to conform to the outside world. That's just how our world works. We don't really honour people's individual paths very well. And even as we move forward, the majority of people are affected by the outside world and that is how we evolve and four ones are definitely in the minority in that way. So when we don't understand that people are operating that way, there can just be a lot of pressure on a four one to change because other people want them to change. But it just doesn't work that way, their change always needs to be self motivated. So absolutely four ones can evolve and change, but they're not going to do it because someone else is telling them to, they're going to do it because they're looking at their foundation, they're seeing that it is faulty, and they need to upgrade it through their own introspection. 

So thank you everyone for joining me on this journey through the four one profile. This has been such an interesting topic in my life lately. I'm so glad I found someone to observe really closely that has this profile who has gone through some of the really dark shadowy aspects of it and hopefully this helps you understand this profile better to outside of just the same phrases and jargon we hear all the time in human design. If you haven't gotten one of my profile guides yet and I have your profile done, I have, I believe eight of the 12 done. You can find that on my website pure generators in the shop all the rest of the profiles I will hopefully be doing before the end of the year. No promises I have a completely open heart but they are definitely on my list of things to do. So thank you again for tuning in. And I'll talk to you next time.