New Paradigm Human

Ep 22: How I Got a Book Deal in Alignment with my Generator Energy

Rachel Lieberman (@puregenerators) Episode 22

When I was a kid I always wanted to write a book, but as insidious societal conditioning got to me, I buried the dream! A few years ago, I felt the desire come up again but decided I wanted it to happen on my terms, in alignment with my Generator energy a.k.a. by allowing life to come to me  instead of trying to mastermind an outcome. This is that story!

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Speaker 1:

On this episode of New Paradigm Human. I'm talking about how I got a book deal in alignment with my generator design. Uh, so I want to tell this story in an interesting way, because I'm never aiming to bore anybody who listens to this. So today I wanted to talk about how I, as a generator, got a book deal and wrote a book in alignment with my own energy, because sometimes I think that there are misconceptions out there that as sacral beings, as generators and manifesting generators, we can't make things happen in our lives. We absolutely do make things happen all the time. It just may be in a slightly different way that our mind wants it, because the mind just kind of sees something, wants, it thinks I'll just go get it. But most of the time we as sacral beings, especially as we begin to decondition, realize that that honestly just doesn't work that well for us. It's important for us to wait for a response, and sometimes a series of many responses that take us toward each step necessary for making something happen. It's not like we're waiting around for life. We are experiencing life in every moment. We are just waiting for a response and for a clear action to appear. So for us, being proactive can look very different. For us, being proactive is less about saying, okay, I'm going to make this thing happen, so these are the steps I have to take and I'm going to go knock on this person's door and make this happen, because that's kind of what we're conditioned to believe. But for us, being proactive is about leaving space for things to come into our lives. So if we already are filling every moment of every day and using up every ounce of our energy, we're probably not going to have anything new come into our reality. So it's fine if all the things that we're doing are fully energizing and satisfying to us and we're not looking for something new to come in. I think we'll all go through those periods in our life, but if we're looking to make a change, shift into a new reality, it's really important to leave that space. Another way that we're proactive is by focusing on what we enjoy, spending time doing what we enjoy, putting our energy toward that without trying to mastermind a certain outcome. And the third way that we are proactive as sacral beings is by being in touch with our desires, honoring and acknowledging what we want, because desires come from the sacral. Given that we all have defined sacral centers, it means that we have consistent desires. Desire is kind of the basis for everything that we do in the world, and that's why we have these auras that are always bringing things to us to help us make these desires reality. So, because it's helpful to hear real life examples of how people make things happen in alignment with their design, I wanted to share my story of getting this book deal and writing this book on human design. So I would say that this book has a lot of different phases of how this desire came about and how it became real.

Speaker 1:

You could go all the way back to me being a kid and my favorite thing being writing, creating these little books, illustrating them. I loved writing. I really wanted to be a writer when I was a kid, but even as a writer, I wanted to be a writer like a teenager. There was part of me that felt like well, being a writer isn't really statistically that realistic, like being an author, being a published author, which is what I really wanted. And I remember, even at 14, when I had to do some project about like a potential career that I wanted to have, I wanted to do author, but I felt like, oh, maybe that being too confident in myself or saying that I'm this special thing like that conditioning had already made its way into my little brain. So it's just fascinating how insidious this conditioning can be. It gets in our head so young. So that desire was already there when I was like a kid and then it got buried for a very long time. I never thought of that as being a reality or a goal all through college, all through my 20s, because I was just focused on surviving in the world, getting some solid job skills that I felt would always allow me to get a job classic first line insecurity stuff and I just honestly never thought about it. Like I wasn't writing anything, I had nothing to put out there, I didn't know what I wanted to do, I just wasn't being creative.

Speaker 1:

But the second chapter of this starts about five years ago, when I started to get serious about thinking okay, I really do feel like I can make money doing something that I love. I didn't end up leaving my job or starting my business for like a year or two after that, but I remember having this awareness of like I think I will write a book someday. I had no idea what it would be about. I was looking at, like all the things that I knew about astrology, numerology, and I was thinking, oh, maybe something about that, something about healing all these things that had been my true passion for those years. But I also had this feeling inside of me, even though I didn't know what the sacral was, that said not yet. Not yet it's not the time, like there wasn't a clear response, there wasn't a clear path.

Speaker 1:

So fast forward a couple more years. I had already created Hero Generators. I was well on my way on this journey of creating things and owning a business. I had noticed that the things I was really enjoying creating were like PDF guides, content, things like that. And again I thought, hmm, I would like to write a book. I would like to write a book, maybe about human design. But when I really tapped into that desire, I looked into a few different options like, oh, I could make something, I could write something and publish it myself. I remember I downloaded like a book publishing software. I was like, hmm, okay, just feeling it out.

Speaker 1:

But when I actually got deep into that desire and felt like what I really wanted in my sacral, I was like, hmm, no, this isn't a project I wanna do by myself. This is something that I want to do with a publisher. This is something where I would like them to approach me. I would like them to have the skills that are not my main forte. I just wanna worry about creating this book and marketing it through my own channels. I don't wanna have to think about other ways to get this book sold. It was just very clear. I wanted someone else to approach me about this project. So I was just patient, I let it be and I figured if it's meant to be, it will happen, like, eventually someone will come to me and it will materialize. So what I did in that time was basically I kept writing, I kept doing my blog, essentially doing the same things. That would be part of writing a book, of building this platform and continuing to write and share information.

Speaker 1:

And I think that's very much the key for us as generators and manifesting generators is we're the type where we'll do the thing, whether we have recognition or not, whether we're making money or not, if we truly love it. We do it because it brings us satisfaction. It's not about the outside world. Of course, we can get recognition and money from the outside world if that's what we want, but that's not the reason why we do it, and so it's those things that you just do, because you have to do them, because you want to do them, because you can't not do them. Those are the things that are ultimately going to be the most meaningful for you, and can be the things that you choose to monetize or not, but they can be, because those are gonna be the most sustainable and energizing things for you.

Speaker 1:

Then, one day, in spring 2022, I literally just opened up my email in the morning, like I do any other day, and there was an email from somebody, from a publisher that I didn't know this person, and it just said hey, I've been reading your blog. I came across you on the each other podcast and I was wondering have you ever thought about writing a human design book? Like it was literally that direct, and I just got this feeling like yes, it's arrived, it's here. And it's so crazy because I never could have predicted or controlled that outcome. It was many years after I'd already gotten this idea, and so the response was like immediate, it was like a yes, and I kind of knew that this would work out.

Speaker 1:

However, I didn't try to project too much into the future. I wanted to meet with the person. I wanted to make sure that we had the same vision for what we wanted to do. I had to, like, get more details and respond my way through those details. So that's another thing that is very important to us as generators and manifesting generators. Sometimes we can have a certain response to like the overall idea, but we still need to respond to the details. So had I then met this person, not felt like it was a yes, not felt like we shared the same vision, just not been energized by the overall project or the contractor, whatever it was, then maybe that would have ended up being a no. So it's important to get those additional details and continue to respond your way through.

Speaker 1:

But when I met up with her, I felt good. It felt like we had good chemistry. We had the same type of vision in mind for the project. She was very open to the way that I communicate and my visual sensibilities, and I was clear that those were things that I really wanted to carry forward into this book. I wanted it to meld in with all the rest of my work really nicely, and so it was pretty effortless then to put together the proposal, sign the contract and begin the project and, honestly, when we actually wait for a response, when we wait for things to come to us, it does feel effortless. Like that, it feels flowing. It feels effortless, it feels like it was meant to be, like there's not all these roadblocks, like you're not, you know, banging your head against a brick wall.

Speaker 1:

Then it came time to do the actual work of writing the book, and this is where there's nuances to all of this too. So, as a generator, I knew that I had the energy to carry out this project, because when I respond to something, it means that I have the energy to carry it all the way through. But did that necessarily mean that every single moment of this process was pleasurable? The answer is no. It took a lot of trial and error to figure out how I wanted to structure my time to be able to write the book, how I would structure it to work with my design. I know that I need a certain balance between freedom and structure. Thanks to channel 360, I have gate three. Do not have gate 60. So if you have those, take a look at that, because if you only have gate three, having some external structure is very healthy for you, and I learned that about myself through this process.

Speaker 1:

So I figured out how to structure my deadlines, basically just try to keep the process as low stress as possible, because, of course, I wanted it to be enjoyable. I wanted this to be a joyous part of my life and not a drag. I didn't want it to be draining as a generator. It's so important to feel this nice energy and momentum behind what I'm doing. So, yeah, not every moment was amazing. There were definitely some days toward the end of the deadlines I'd set where I really had to grind. At the end, I think I basically slept on my couch for like 10 straight days as I finished the book. Looking back in some ways, I'm like I don't even know how I did that, but because I felt that sacred yes, I had the energy to carry it through.

Speaker 1:

Not all of it was easy. I had amazing editors and the feedback they gave me and the changes I had to make were very challenging because, of course, if I had known how to make it better, I would have done it the first time. So I had to dig really deep when it came to the edits and it was very difficult and it wasn't always fun, but because it had come about in this way that was fully in alignment with my design. It had come to me, I had responded to it, I always knew that it was going to turn out OK, I could get through all of these challenges and I was learning a lot and I was honestly just excited about the project. I was so excited to bring this into the world, I was so excited to have this info available for people, and that energy and that response can pretty much carry you through anything.

Speaker 1:

The point of honoring your design isn't to make things easy for you. Exactly so much of, at least in my opinion what we're here to do on earth is expand, and sometimes that means that we go through challenges and we have hard times. It doesn't mean that we have a belief that life has to be hard. Life does not have to be hard, but learning new things, doing new things, having experiences that your soul has never had before, is a big part of being here. So the point isn't necessarily for it to be easy, but it should be like ease full, feel like you're in flow, feel like the challenges you're having are exactly the ones that your soul wants to experience, and I think you can feel the difference in that, by whether something just feels like absolute torture and you're being drained and it feels just generally pointless and it's just not an experience that you want to have, or whether you're looking at something you're feeling like, well, this, yes, is a challenge, but at the same time, I can see what I'm getting out of this. I can see how I'm growing, and so that's really the point of living.

Speaker 1:

Our design is just having the experiences that are meant for us as an individual. So that's really what living in alignment with your magnetic generator, mg aura, or waiting to respond, is doing for you is bringing the right things into your world. So I guess the overarching message here is what I mentioned at the beginning. For us, as sacred beings, being proactive is different from what we were conditioned with. Making things happen is different from what we were conditioned with. It's not like we have to go out there and knock on all the doors, try to get everybody's attention, say I want to do this, give me this, give me that. We don't have to do that necessarily to make it happen. What we are doing as generators and MG is doing what we enjoy. That's going to be number one if you want to take something that you're doing to the next level, just keep doing it.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I ever would have thought five years ago that having a little blog would lead to someone just offering me a book deal. Like I never would have thought that. But that was the best way for something like that to happen, because my editor was basically like I knew that you were a decent enough writer to write a book and you had a viewpoint that other people might want to hear from, and one of the best ways to let other people know that you're out there is to just do the thing that you want to do. It's a way of honoring a desire that you have, and when you do that, it makes your aura very magnetic. It really brings a lot of opportunities into your life. So thank you everyone for listening to this story. Hopefully it helped you see some of the things that you're doing a little bit differently or feel more confident in the fact that the things that you want will manifest if you hold that desire and wait until you have a response.

Speaker 1:

My new book, a Modern Guide to Human Design, is available on October 3rd. It's already ready for pre-order. We have an exclusive discord group going on and some other bonuses and giveaways. So all the details are linked down below, but you can also find it on my website up here, denaneryscom. So thank you and I'll talk to you next time MUSIC.