New Paradigm Human

Ep 5: The Wounds of the 1-Line Profile (And How to Overcome Them)

Rachel Lieberman (@puregenerators) Episode 5

If you're a 1-line Profile (1/3, 1/4, 4/1, or 5/1), you might have hungered for safety and security in your life and found the world lacking such a thing. If we're designed to be "insecure" and always want to know the truth, how do we let this empower us instead of destroying us?

This week I'm talking about:

- The wounds of the 1-line Profile
- What we can do to overcome them
- What it looks like to be a healthy (or unhealthy) 1-line
- How we are designed to use our truth once we've found it, depending on which Profile we are (I cover 1/3, 1/4, 4/1, and 5/1!)

Check out Profile Guides here!

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On this episode of New Paradigm human we're talking about the wounds of the one line and how to overcome them. 

Hello everyone, today I wanted to talk about something that has been appearing around me a lot lately. And it's just to me a very interesting topic, which is the wounds that the one line profile has to overcome. People with a one three or one four profile will probably really resonate with this but I think also five ones well, as well as four ones. And really what I've been thinking about is the type of wounds that it's easy to have as a one line profile, and how we can work with those and move through them to expand into our full potential, which really just means living as our unique selves. A little bit about the one line is that when you have a one on your profile, you're here to really get to your truth, the truth of things going deep into something and figuring out what the truth is for you from a place of introspection. So this has nothing to do with what the people around you are telling you or society's ideas of things. It's like you always really want to figure out your own truth. Depending on which other profile line you have paired with it. You'll kind of have a different experience about how you interact with others once you have that truth, or really what you do with that truth once you have found it. But on a larger, more collective scale. This is the energy of the foundation of humanity of our collective truth of what works and what does not work. And so when we hold this one line energy in our profile, it means that we're doing a service to humanity of figuring out what's the foundational truth that all of us rest upon. And from there, we can begin to expand into different things. But we always have to have this strong foundation of knowing like where we're coming from, what's the base that's holding up everything that we're doing? So that's why as a one line profile you have this curiosity to always figure out what is actually going on what's the deeper meaning? What are we actually dealing with when we're dealing with an issue or problem or challenge? And it's not really about working with it or obscuring it or manipulating it or perfecting it. It's really just about figuring out what is it? what is actually going on? So it's this combination of I like to see it as information but also introspection and empathy. And so a lot of common misconception about the one line is it's just about like research and information. And that is part of it. But a lot of what comes through for someone who has a one line profile, or this idea of the one line of the hexagram is all throughout our human design in all these different ways. It's also this ability to tap into things through empathy or intuition or whatever you want to call it. So it's not just gathering information through study or through googling or looking or research. It's also gathering information through being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes and really feel sort of through osmosis, the truth of something or someone. 

So now that we have the more theoretical and philosophical foundation of the one line, which is very one line appropriate for me as a one three profile, always have to start at the base start at the foundation and build up from there. What are these wounds that we can experience in our lives and how do they manifest in our actual lives as human beings? The first thing that comes to mind for me is as a human being with a one line in my profile. It's really important for us to have security in life. And this can really be a challenging one because earth itself is not a very secure place. There's a lot of entropy and chaos that occurs. There's a lot of emotional dysfunction. And so as children, a lot of us don't always grow up with the kind of security that we would like out of life also, nothing is always 100% secure. If you go after 100% security, you're always going to be sacrificing your freedom and sort of these more growth oriented parts of your life that just because we live on this three dimensional plane on this planet, and the way it works is that we're always dealing in binaries. So for us to ask 100% safety and security of Earth just is not a realistic thing because it would cut us off from the organic and unpredictable growth that happens for us as humans. So when we are looking for security as one lines, I feel like there are healthy ways of going about that. And they're unhealthy ways of going about that. And really what it means is that we need to have solid foundations in our lives before we move into any uncharted territories. So the way that this could look is like if you are someone who's looking to experiment in a romantic relationship, say and you're interested in trying out polyamory or you're questioning monogamy, you may in your life, start out with a monogamous relationship. And then maybe you would open that relationship or you would start out by sort of mastering this concept of a monogamous relationship and discovering what that means getting to the bottom of it, giving it the full one line treatment of figuring out what is this? is this a solid foundation? Does this work? What is really going on Here? Then once you had had that experience, maybe then you would begin to expand into something else. Another example would be with a job if you were someone who eventually wanted to run your own business or do something outside of the traditional corporate setting or or a stable job with a paycheck. You may be the type of person to find a job that you know is stable that feels very safe to you that feels secure. And then in your free time. Build your business as a side hustle and then transition into it once you're already making some money. 

So these are kind of examples of starting with a solid foundation and then moving on from there. But it would be very hard for a one line to want to make the leap in from sort of this tenuous, undefined place into like another unknown. For us. It's often common to find something that is stable for us in one area. of our lives, and then maybe expand or experiment in another area. But we're always going to want to have that sort of stable Touchstone either in the form of something tangible, like a source of income or a person, but also just like in ideas we're not going to want to go and try to come up with some crazy theory if we haven't really gotten to the bottom of what maybe like everyone else has written or done about something. So what is the wound that can happen here? Something that can happen is that if we don't cultivate a sense of safety and security within ourselves, we can then feel like our life can't move forward. Because we always need to have that security and if we have some kind of wounding from childhood where we have a hard time feeling confident in ourselves or trusting in the universe or trusting in our ability to support ourselves. That's another really important thing for us is one line is we like to feel that we are self sufficient. But if we're raised to believe in some way that the world is not safe, that we cannot trust ourselves. It can be really easy to try to look for that security in another person. And really just the saddest thing that can happen when this happens is that we just don't get to move forward in life in the way that we would like to we don't get to expand. We don't get to try things you don't get to grow. Because when we're feeling like we don't have a foundation, we're just going to feel limited in our ability to do new things and to take risks. 

So for us, it's really important to learn to cultivate this sense of trust in yourself. Trust in your ability to support yourself in every aspect of your life, be it financially, emotionally, materially, physically, to know that you have what you need inside of you to keep yourself going. This does not mean that you can not receive support from other people. But it's going to feel really good for a one line to know that at the end. of the day, no matter what happens. They always have themselves to fall back on. And what can happen if we aren't able to cultivate this ourselves is we'll start to misplace this desire for security on to other things in our lives. We'll misplace it onto another person, expecting them to provide this sense of safety for us. We'll misplace it onto a job or the government or something just situational and external in our lives when really it's something that needs to live inside of us. I'm definitely not saying this is easy. This is something that I have really struggled with, especially when I was younger. I just had this sense that like nothing in the world was safe, that I needed to find something outside of me to cling on to and that I couldn't trust myself  to support myself into be there for myself. And when I spent some time working through that belief or those experiences that I had had where the world wasn't safe and actually started taking steps toward beginning to meet my own needs or support myself in those areas of life just to see that I could do it. That's when a lot of really beautiful things unfolded because I knew that I could take risks. I knew that I could be generous with my time and energy because I knew that at the end of the day I had my back and it was safe to then give to other people or to allow other people into my life. It's what allowed me to eventually move into having my own business which had always been my dream because I had built up a career and I had job skills and I had all these things that I had cultivated for a long time that I knew that I could use and go back into anytime I knew that if whatever I did didn't work out and I got back to to a corner at the end of the day, I could go back into exactly what I had trained for and what I had been doing. So it left me with this freedom to say like okay, well, I know I can go back to that anytime. And so why don't I try this new thing. And that's really the heart of all of this is once we cultivate that feeling inside of us that we know we always have our own backs or be our own strong foundation. We don't need to place it on anybody else and then cling to them or control them or manipulate situations to be able to keep that in our lives. Then we have so much freedom to try new things and really expand into our unique selves. 

As one lines we do not have to rely on someone else to provide our sense of safety is to support us to always be there for us. For us this process of intentionally becoming an adult and really stepping into our own self sufficiency and knowing that we are fully capable is so important. Another side note about this topic is if you have an undefined heart in your chart, this may be really magnified for you because for people with undefined hearts, we tend to maybe lack some conviction in ourselves or some self worth. So that's something else to pay attention to. And you just always have to remind yourself if you have an undefined heart that you have nothing to prove. And you're not really proving anything to anyone you're not proving anything to yourself when you're stepping into your self sufficiency and building your own strong foundation. You're just doing it because that's what you deserve and that's who you are and you're capable of it no matter what. And if you have a defined heart, you may feel that it's powerful for you to have something to prove to make a promise to yourself or another person and so for you proving to yourself that you really can step up and be that solid foundation for yourself will probably also feel really empowering and really good as a one line. 

I mentioned this a bit before but this can really have an effect on relationships, particularly romantic partnerships, but also friendships and when we have these wounds around not being able to support ourselves or not having a strong foundation of safety in the world, we may really look to put that on somebody else. And in the end it's not going to work out for us partially because we're designed to be self-reliant and to really have that sense of internal power of providing for ourselves in a lot of different ways. And so while we may think, Okay, this other person can provide this sense of security for me, really in the end, you're just transferring it on to someone else and actually, it's probably even worse than doubting it in yourself because when you're transferring it on to someone else, then they sort of occupy a place in your life that they shouldn't like the people that we partner with are people that we come together with because we want to create something together or we want to create a field of love or unconditional acceptance. And when we're sort of projecting a need for stability onto another human being, which is really not a super reasonable request because we're all operating in this earth plane that by nature is a bit unstable sometimes. Then it will kind of push you to want to control them or manipulate them or cling to them for something that you can definitely find inside of you. And there's so many things we can't predict on this planet and control and other people are definitely one of those things. But when we cultivate this inside of ourselves, then we always know that no matter what happens, we have an inner strength. We have a foundation we've built with ourselves and we'll be able to move forward no matter what even if things are difficult.

so how do we do this? I'm thinking back to a very difficult time in my life where I had just met what I would refer to as my Twin Flame, who is now my current partner but he was not my partner at the time. He was someone who I had met and felt a very deep love for but it was not the right moment for us to be together. And I remember I recorded a voice note on my phone before I went to sleep, because I was going through some really intense emotions of just like all of my wounds and actually having to think about doing some emotional healing for the first time really in my life. And I remember the question that I had that I recorded on this voice note was like, Who is my safe place? who is my security?, which is so on brand now that I know that I'm a one three profile, because I was really looking for that outside of myself and a big part of my journey to coming together with him to growing and really becoming a person that I'm really proud of and happy to be now and honestly, just someone who experiences a much better life with a lot more freedom, fun and creativity, and just wonderful things than I did back then because I was really anxious and afraid all the time. was coming to see that I couldn't look for someone else, To be that point of safety for me. Of course I have all sorts of people in my life that I'm safe where they really wouldn't have those people in my life if I wasn't, but I'm not asking them to be the centre of my universe to be my only place of safety. I have that within myself. Now. First and foremost. So the process of getting there, from what I've seen for myself and a lot of other people, like how do we do this? One of the most important things seems to be looking at childhood wounds. If you think about it, we're thinking about foundations of our lives. What is all of our foundation, it's our childhood, that is the foundational experiences we have, especially from ages zero to seven that really are our conditioning and really have a huge effect on how we view the world. So going back and dealing with any places in childhood where we were led to believe that were not safe, where we had someone break our trust, where we were taught for some reason that we could not rely on ourselves that we weren't capable. Those are all really good places to start. So however you like to do emotional healing. I had a whole episode on why emotional healing is so important to us in the new paradigm and in our deconditioning process. But whatever type of therapy or reflection works for you, is a really good place. Anything that can really touch on those childhood roots because as one lines we're always going down to the deepest roots of everything that we're doing. And so for us, this childhood healing is going to be so key for being able to move on with the rest of our lives and actually grow into the capable adults that we are.

Additionally I would say giving ourselves no knowing what we need as one lines and knowing that if we jump into something unprepared, that's just not going to feel good for us. It's not how we're designed. We shouldn't expect that of ourselves. And so allowing ourselves to go about things and maybe a slightly more safety oriented or methodical way is one of the best things we can do for ourselves to go into things with a bit more time for contemplation and introspection and to get into all those details and to do the research and to get to the truth of whatever's going on. building that into our life in sort of the examples I talked about with jobs or relationships and allowing ourselves to maintain those strong foundations for ourselves. Honestly, it's just setting ourselves up for success. So that's another way that we can really work with this within ourselves and allow ourselves to thrive by honouring that that is how we are built. 

Now let's talk a little bit about all of the profilers that have a one line in them, and how that one line kind of interacts with the other line. So let's start with the one three, we'll move to the one four, we'll move to the four one and then the five one. So as a one three, what you're doing is you're building your foundation, you're getting to the root of your foundation, and then you're always going to be testing it you're always going to be pushing the boundaries and beginning to evolve whatever truth you have found. So for you, you may come to a truth but until you have tested that out in the real world, as a one, three, you're not going to feel like you trust that truth. We're sort of the ultimate experimenters. And like we need to take the thing into the lab. We can't just like read the dry old texts and believe them, we need to see it in action. And sometimes that may crumble that truth for us if what we actually see when we try it out, isn't true. And so we're gonna go back to the drawing board, mess with our truth a little bit based on the data we've gathered in our experiment. And then upgrade our truth test it again. And once we find something that feels really bulletproof, that feels like it holds up to our tests. That's when we'll begin to actually adopt it as our truth. And so there's always going to be a natural tension between these two energies because part of us wants security and just to stick with that secure thing, and then life just doesn't want that of us. And I definitely have seen that in myself in jobs. I've definitely also seen it in relationships, where when I was younger, I just felt like oh, I just can't wait to settle down and now I kind of understand that that was my one line. But then life just like there was a part of me that just didn't actually want that yet, because I hadn't figured out the truth. What did that even mean for me? What kind of person would I settle down with? What did I even want out of my life? And so despite being someone who really wanted to cling to this idea of stability in my life, I actually spent a lot of time like, not having a home base, moving all over the place, trying out all these different things, really living this kind of chaotic and very messy existence for many years. Because, for me, I had not found that truth yet. And once I felt like I had found a truth of what it meant for me to build a foundation in my life to grow up and become an adult and how I wanted to do that. Then I was able to easily move forward and do that. But there was always that tension between wanting the stability, wanting to find the truth and wanting to mess it up wanting to experiment wanting to just throw things at the wall wanting to try a million different things. So is one three, there's always going to be that conflict but over time, it definitely gets easier because you get used to it, you understand that in the end, you are going to get to that truth you are going to have that stability and that foundation and the process of trying out a bunch of different things. It's just kind of a fun part. It just is what it is. can't really change it and there's some really wonderful things to be found in that.

when we think about the one four like the one three because we both have ones in the conscious profile line. You're going to spend your time introspecting figuring out what your truth is, but then instead of testing it out, you're going to take it out and share it with other people. Ideally, these are people that you trust that value you that really care about what you are sharing with them. And based on that they will give you sort of feedback on your truth on what you found. And it's through interacting with the people that are important to you and your life. The people that you have friendships with on different levels, that you may stick with your truth or you may actually expand it. You're not really designed to mess with your truth to try to test it the same way one three is you're here to maybe have it expanded upon by the people around you because if five different people that you care about and who you value and who value you tell you like hey, you might want to look at that. Again. I really don't think that's true. Or I have a different feeling about this or you might want to look into this then that's when there's kind of this opening for you to then go back to the drawing board and maybe think about Hmm, maybe I need to upgrade or change this concept of what I'm thinking is true and what I'm doing or believing. And that's how you will grow as a person. So that's why it's very important for you to have the right people around you. Because those are the people who are going to help you from just getting like very stubbornly stuck in your beliefs Or knowledge about things. You also may change your mind when you get out into the world. And you just by happenstance see that something that you were believing was not what you thought it was. So similarly, you may have to experience a different reality in order to change your mind. But you're not really designed to on purpose go out and like test that theory. So it's just something that will happen very naturally as a by-product of living your life. 

Now when we think about the 4-1 This is a very different dynamic because the four one and the conscious line they're just out with the people all the time. But at the end of the day, they're always coming back to their own truth. So that's why they say that four one profiles have like a fixed destiny. Really, this just means that you've come with your knowledge, and you're here to share it with other people. You're not here to have it moulded by other people or changed. It's like you're here to be stubborn about what your truth is. So at the end of the day, you're always going to be checking in with your truth and reminding yourself of what your truth is not checking in and questioning based on all the people in my life and what they're telling me is this still my truth? Nope. It just, it is your truth. It's almost like you're always remembering, okay, this is my truth and you're back out with the people sharing that truth. So again, for you, it's going to be really important to have actually for you it's going to be even more important than most people to have the right people around you because you're not really here to be changed. So the people who are around you really need to accept what you have discovered is your foundation and your truth and they need to be on board to receive that and be expanded by it instead of trying to change you. 

The five one profile also has a really interesting dynamic with those because five ones are the ones that are universalizing which really means that they are able to speak to collective truths with authority because they have done the research. They have gotten to the bottom of this and they're here to share their truth with everybody unlike a one three, who's here to just sort of know their truth and experiment with it themselves and then maybe document that somewhere but it's not really about the other person's that's sort of what I do in my life is it's not really about sharing it with other people in a very specific way. It's about my process and then documenting that and connecting with people in that way. 

Then the one four that's all about sharing with the friends. The fourth one is about sharing it with friends, but not really taking in those friends, the friends opinions, whereas the one four is going to be also grown, grown and expanded by the Friends. opinions. The five is here to put out something that they have discovered is universal truth. And they have this authority as the one line who has taken the time to go deep into what that truth actually is and they are the ones who can say, well this is true for everybody. So that can be a very polarising energy and it's definitely something that I feel in five ones of every type that I have encountered, that if maybe they are not exactly the ones for me or maybe they're sharing without checking in with their inner authority about whether it's the right time or place to share. They can come across as rather sharp but it makes sense because they have the truth. They have the authority and they're telling you what it is and because they're a fifth line, there's a lot of projection on them by the people around them. So people may feel like really good or really bad about that person. Likely there's not going to be or really like more about their truth like what they're sharing. There's not going to be a lot of grey area in that. 

So for five ones in particular because you're sharing so boldly because you're stating something universal. It's really important to be well prepared. You don't want to get up there and tell people something about themselves because the five line tends to address the collective is like you, you should do this. You shouldn't do that. You are that you are that. If they haven't prepared and really figured out what it is that they feel is true, then that's going to be a really sort of chaotic like painful place to communicate from because it's going to elicit a lot of pushback from other people and also you're just going to feel really insecure. You're going to feel like you're not qualified or like you're not sharing something that's authentic to you. So for you to allow your fifth line to be powerful. It's really important for you to take the time to do your research, and really get to the bottom of what this solution or what this message is that you actually want to share. So to bring this all together for those of us with one line profiles, there's a certain amount of insecurity that is built into who we are, we may never feel 100% secure in the world. But we can work with this by healing these childhood wounds looking into why we have beliefs about not being safe in the world. Why we can't rely on ourselves then taking the action to build foundations for ourselves in all areas of our lives so that we feel that we can support ourselves that we can be there for ourselves emotionally that we can be there for ourselves materially that we're really capable people from there is where we gain our freedom. And whenever we're feeling insecure, it's okay, we can take time, step back, introspect a bit. Reconnect to our truth, upgrade or re-examine or reevaluate or change our truth if that's how we're designed. And from there, move forward. We don't have to expect ourselves to never feel insecure in life. Being insecure is ultimately what motivates us. It's what keeps us learning keeps us researching keeps us getting to the truth of things. And I can tell you going deep and getting to the truth of things is such a valuable service to the planet right now. That we never have to feel bad about feeling insecure, or like we don't know enough about something because we have everything in us to be able to gain that strong foundation, be there for ourselves, and then find the freedom that allows us to grow and expand into these more unknown areas. 

So thank you, everybody, for listening and reflecting on the one line experience with me. I'll talk to you next time. If you want to learn more about your profile, you can check out my profile guides up here at pure That's a 20 page PDF that goes into all these different aspects of your profile in a very concrete tangible way. Again, you can find that at pure