New Paradigm Human

Ep 11: Subliminal Audio for Releasing "Shoulds"

Rachel Lieberman (@puregenerators)

This week, we're doing something different - I've created a subliminal audio for you!

This audio is focused on releasing "shoulds" a.k.a. the feeling that we should be doing something other than where our inner guidance is leading us!

Check out the Sacral Being Toolkit, where I'll be creating and sharing all my most potent Generator and MG content! The Framework course and Subliminal Audio Library are already available!

Other items mentioned:

- Youtube video where I upgrade my subconscious using subliminals

- Subliminals for Sacral Beings set

Subliminal (audio) messages are affirmations that bypass your conscious mind and go straight into your subconscious. I have recorded and embedded positive affirmations under the music track. Because your conscious mind is not aware of the subliminal suggestions underlying the music, it can’t put up barriers against it. Over time, your subconscious will become programmed with these positive messages and your beliefs will shift, resulting in external changes in your life.

How should I listen to them?
It's best to listen to subliminals with headphones but if that's not possible, you can listen to them over a speaker too.

How long should I use these subliminals?
Everyone absorbs things differently, but we recommend listening to each audio for 1 hour/day for ~30 days to get the full benefits.

What affirmations are included in these?

Subliminal audios are more effective when we don't know exactly what the script is saying. Here is a sample of affirmations included in this audio:

 •  I can rely on my inner guidance
 •  I thrive in society by being myself
 •  I have strong and healthy boundaries
When should I listen to these subliminals?

You can listen to these at any time of day, including while you're sleeping.
Even though subliminal messages are completely safe, do not listen in the following cases:

 • 30 minutes before driving
 • In a moving vehicle
 • When operating heavy equipment
 • When doing tasks that require focus and attention.

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