New Paradigm Human

Ep 26: How I lost 10 lbs, gained 15 lbs of muscle, and fixed my overeating using Human Design and Subconscious Reprogramming

Rachel Lieberman (@puregenerators)
  • Generators and MGs—Align with your aura, reprogram your mind, and make your desires reality in the Glow Up!

  • Weight lifting app I used—You'll get a 14 day free trial and 50% off your first month with my link:

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Hello, everyone. Today, we are armed with both an iced green tea and an iced chai latte, and I wanted to talk about something that I had shared earlier this week on Twitter that a lot of people had a response to or a lot of people were interested in or excited by. And that is the story of how I used subconscious reprogramming and also human design to create a new fitness routine and completely transform my body.

What I think is worth sharing from this story are not so much the results because those will vary from person to person and we all start in a very different place. And given that human design is The science of differentiation, and we're all here to have very different experiences. I don't think it's super helpful to compare yourself to somebody else.

So that's not what we're going to do here. But what is valuable in this is that this was something in my life that had felt really stuck for a long time. Like I had no idea how to make a change or shift it or see a different result in my life. And that's what makes these tools so amazing.  is that sometimes as sacral beings, as generators and MGs, we can get stuck in certain areas.

We might be stuck in a job, we might be stuck in a financial situation, we might be stuck in like a physical situation, like an issue with health or your body. And we can reach that point of frustration where we really feel like we're trying everything and yet nothing is coming together and that is really where I had been with this for a long time.

And so to finally see those results and see how I got there. That's what I wanted to share because I think it could be really applicable for a lot of different people. So to give you a little bit of background. I have never really been someone who enjoyed working out at a gym or doing any kind of consistent exercise routine as an adult.

I was a pretty athletic kid and teenager, but at a certain point, pursuits of the mind really took over pursuits of the body for me. I just found doing things with my mind, like having a sedentary computer job, and before that it was school and studying. hobbies that were all kind of mentally based like reading or my business, writing, designing, all of these different things.

I just found all of that to be a lot more satisfying than any kind of physical pursuit. I had not really found any kind of sport. or exercise outlet or anything like that that I enjoyed or stuck with. I will also say that for most of my life, I've been naturally thin. That's just the reality genetically.

And also for whatever reason, my relationship with food, the way that my daily life was structured when I used to go to an office every day, it just didn't lend to me doing a lot of overeating. I stuck to a pretty healthy diet, obviously something that was working for me. And while I did have some weight fluctuations over the years, For whatever reason, something would always happen to level it out, I would lose the weight, whatever.

Like I said, I didn't have any kind of dedicated exercise, but during those years that I worked in an office, I did quite a bit of walking to get to work, to get home from work, during the day to go get my lunch around the neighborhood where I worked. And then when I moved to the house that I live in now, I actually biked to work a lot of the time because it was just hard to park your car.

So just out of convenience, I rode my bike to work. It really, maybe like two miles each way. I don't even think it was two miles, maybe a mile and a half each way. So those things did operate as this kind of built in exercise for me that I now see. was really helping my health and my body. When I left that job in 2019, a lot of that disappeared from my life.

I no longer had those built in walks to my day. I didn't have that built in bike commute, nothing like that. And so a lot of us went through that around that time. I went through it about a year before everybody else, but around COVID, a lot of us ended up at home. And those bits of movement that were naturally built into our days disappeared.

And also, at least for me, all of a sudden I had access to food all the time in the form of my kitchen and refrigerator just a floor below, which is something I really did not have previously. I did not keep any sort of food at work. I had my go to places that I ate every day, and it just wasn't really a something that I thought about a lot.

I just, I'd have my lunch, I'd have my dinner, and that was it. As I started working full time on my business, being at home all the time, COVID hits, I'm at home even more, I definitely started to put on weight. And not only did I start to put on weight, but I just felt kind of sluggish, felt like my posture was worse. 

And I remember at some point in 2021,  I saw a picture of myself and I was like, Oh my God, like I really have gained a lot of weight in the past few years. Like this just doesn't feel healthy or normal to me. It was probably 15 to 20 pounds. So I tried not to stress about it. I got some new clothes that fit.

tried to be at peace with this and just accepted that this was my situation right now and maybe I would figure it out. But honestly, I had never really had to lose weight in my life. I'm very fortunate that way. So I really didn't know all that much about nutrition or exercise. And thermodynamics, AKA calories in, calories out.

I really didn't know a lot about that. And I also just noticed I felt weak. I basically was kind of skinny fat my whole life, I guess. Like I was naturally thin, but I wasn't really doing any kind of exercise to help me build muscle or to actually keep my physical body healthy other than like walking and those things that were built into my life.

And, you know, I used to do hiking, a lot of things like that, but. A lot of that disappeared in 2020. And I just found myself less drawn to those things. I was really like, hermited in my house, working online all of the time, trying to get my business going. So the first thing I did that year when I noticed, okay, I am just getting to a place where I'm not really comfortable in my body, I don't want to keep gaining more weight was I tried just a very classic way of losing weight through Reducing calories and I did that.

I was successful at it. I did it for a couple of months. I lost about 10 pounds This would have been spring 2021, but I quickly noticed that the way I was eating wasn't sustainable It really felt like a chore. It just felt like something I was not going to be able to keep up I still really didn't understand nutrition.

I did a little bit more But yeah, I just really did not have the knowledge that I needed in order to feed myself properly in a way that was sustainable. So pretty quickly within the next few months, I gained all of that weight back. So that brings us to like the end of 2021. I definitely did still have this desire.

I was like, I know I'm going to figure this out at some point. And I do have one health problem that does affect this. I have PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome. They call this like diabetes of the ovaries. And sometimes What you eat and how you're moving your body or the lack thereof can affect your weight.

A lot of people with PCOS at some point in their life tend to gain quite a bit of weight or just are naturally overweight. So I knew that I was going to figure this out at some point, both the health aspects of PCOS, but also this weight gain and exercise. I knew I was like, eventually, I just feel like I'm going to figure out what I like to do for exercise.

and how I'm going to take care of my body and I'm going to become fit and I'm going to become strong. And being a generator, I couldn't really force that outcome. Like we saw, I could do something to kind of hit a goal to try to force an outcome like the dieting that I did. But in the end, because it wasn't a truly energizing experience, it wasn't something that I loved the process of.

It just wasn't going to be sustainable. And I don't have a defined heart. I don't have the.  to hold myself to something like that. So whatever I do has to feel very natural. Like it's part of my day, like it's part of my life, but it's something that just brings me joy and is something that I build into the way that I live.

So I knew this on some level, but I was like, okay, just clearly now is not the moment. So I went back to eating the way that I did not exercising and gained all the weight that I lost on the diet bag. Plus some by no means was I overweight, but I was just becoming comfortable. Uncomfortable in my own body partially because I just had no idea what was happening I had no idea how to control what was happening to me And I just felt like I did not know what was going on and I knew that I wanted to make a change So I let that sit.

I wasn't going to force any kind of outcome I just kind of held on to that desire to figure out how to exercise Figure out how to eat in a way that feels natural and is sustainable Sustainable. Sustainable and really get to a place of loving my body. So about six months later, maybe even less, probably like four months after I had gained back all the weight from my diet, I started seeing women online doing strength training, weightlifting.

I was like, huh. I felt like a response to that. I was like, okay, that looks fun. That looks cool. I love their. Outfits. I love the whole lifestyle, the whole vibe, the whole scene. Why don't I give that a try? I just felt energized by it. I kept finding myself watching videos, these YouTube vlogs of people doing it and TikToks and Instagrams.

And so I was like, all right, we're joining the gym and we're going. This would have been, I think like February, 2022, still COVID. I still had to wear a mask to the gym, but I was like, We're doing it. So I showed up there. I really didn't know what I was doing. I tried some machines. I tried some things I saw online.

I practiced doing like deadlift form and I would go two to three times a week and I was just figuring it out. I downloaded an app that would give me a workout and each week I was lifting a little bit more weight and I was like, you know, this actually feels really good. I felt amazing afterwards. I was like, I think I can keep this going so that lasted from about February 2022 until February  2023.

I definitely took some time off here and there. I think when I was finishing my human design book that I was writing that fall 2022 I definitely took like a month off but I always made it back to the gym because I felt those physical And mental benefits. It was just something that felt like a yes, that's sacral.

Yes. I felt energized to do it. So fast forward to February 2022 already, my body had transformed quite a bit. Like I definitely saw myself building a lot of muscle. I was getting stronger. I was just more. overall healthier. However, I was continuing to put on a little bit of weight. Some of that is natural because I was building muscle, but there was definitely a pattern of after working out, I would get hungrier and I would probably get too hungry and tend to reach for foods that were just convenient, that were right there.

And so I still felt kind of like bloated. and not super healthy. I didn't love the way that I looked. I was muscular, but I felt like I was still putting on fat. Like it was just kind of a whole thing. And that was when it got probably like the peak of frustration because I was like, I just have no idea what to do about this.

Like I know that weightlifting is not a weight loss activity. It just really isn't. isn't but I was like, I feel like I deserve to be fit and like how I look and have fun doing it and be at a weight that I'm comfortable in because it wasn't really so much about looks for me. I mean, it's always a little bit about looks because whatever, in our society and culture, we've been trained to think that looking a certain way is more attractive, but it was actually truly just about when I was sitting just being like, feeling like parts of my body touching that I didn't like.

It was just, it was just like I, how I felt in my body really so much more than how I look. February 2023, a year after I started weightlifting was when I ended up adopting my dog and was spending a lot of time taking care of him and it kind of rearranged my entire life and walking him a lot because he had a lot of anxiety when I first got him.

So I was outside like an hour and a half or more each day walking, but it wasn't really like good exercise walking. It was like slow dog sniffing. Walking and dedicating so much time to walking around with my dog outside. I just could not find the energy or the time or the desire to go to the gym because as I said before, I like to spend a lot of my day dedicated to my like mental activities, my work, my creations.

My ongoing education, all those things take up quite a lot of my life. And just the thought of dedicating like more hours to exercise to moving my body just didn't feel like the thing. So that just felt like a no at the time. And I stayed away from the gym for an entire six months. I did not go for six months.

I didn't love that, but it just was what happened. And to be fair, I was walking, I was up and moving. I was getting a lot of like steps into my life, but it still wasn't really helping with my weight. It wasn't really helping with. feeling good in my body. So finally, in August of 2023, I had to respond to an ad for an online training app.

And so I was like, okay, if I can have a coach to give me that willpower to create these workouts for me, someone to be watching who notices if I'm going there or not. And also I felt like I had reached a goal. the limits of my own knowledge. I was like, I don't even know if this training plan that I'm following off this random app is any good.

I really don't know. So I was just feeling kind of overall aimless. And so I signed up for this app. I met with the trainer. She started making me workouts. And before you know it, I was back in the gym. So that was August 2023. And within those next few months, not only did I see like, massive progress so much better than when I was doing it by myself because I was actually working with a professional and It was giving me the willpower to always show up because the app would notice and I would break like a streak that I had If I didn't go someone was noticing if I was I went or not and I had to kind of answer for them, which was providing me that willpower that my completely open heart just does not have naturally.

And also it just felt good. It felt satisfying to see those results quickly because she knew what she was doing. My body was transforming so much more than before. Before, I never liked to work out my quad muscles. I didn't like doing squats, things like that. So, without the willpower of someone else pushing me to do that, I just wouldn't add that to my workout.

So, all of a sudden, I just was looking so different and so much more muscular and so much better. Around that time, my dog stopped being as anxious. He did not need so much walking every day. And so, it all just kind of came together. And I kept going at this. that with the working out with the weight lifting and I was noticed that I was just more energized by it.

It was more sustainable. I started to notice myself walking more, getting more cardio in to which wasn't really part of my plan. I was going to the gym extra days that weren't on my plan from the coach and so that's always assigned to me. Oh, something is really satisfying. Something's really energizing me.

And it really wasn't about any kind of goal because I really didn't have a goal. Again, kind of at this point, I let go of that thought of like, well, you know, if I'm just this weight for the rest of my life, then I guess I can live with that. It's okay. And I was definitely getting more fit, stronger, all of that, but I was still kind of at this same weight.

So yeah. And I think it was like January or February of this year, I had kind of a come to Jesus moment about a few things in my life, including just like my finances, just getting all of that organized and recalibrating after being five years in business. And now that I was really succeeding in that area, just thinking about how I wanted to proceed in terms of saving and investing and.

dealing with some previous dead eyed accrued and so I did some really intense subconscious reprogramming around that and it was painful but I saw a lot of results and so I think I was just kind of in that headspace and so in my daily subconscious reprogramming exercises which is something that I offer every day.

in the glow up. There's a link below to that, which is my signature program for generators and MGs. But during those daily exercises, I was like, well, what else do I want? Cause if I've been able to shift so much of this other big area of my life that had been kind of frustrating off and on for quite a while, as I was building a business and just feeling like I wasn't in the financial place that I wanted to be, I was like, all of a sudden I am like, how did I shift this so quickly?

How did I see my behaviors and my results change so quickly? It's like, what else would I want? And I was like, you know, I, Kind of like to lose this weight and figure out a way to eat that feels really natural and great for my body because it wasn't just the weight thing. I also just felt like my energy levels weren't where they could be.

I was just bloated a lot. I knew that I wasn't eating properly and I also knew that I wasn't eating in alignment with my human design determination, aka digestion style. Sometimes. Sometimes. But not always. So I added one other, like, simple affirmation. Trigger warning to anybody with an eating disorder.

Really like this entire episode maybe is not for you. But I was like, well, I could just start saying like, I am thin. What does thin mean? I don't know. But I think in my head it just meant in a place where I feel like my body is healthy and balanced and kind of sits naturally and feels good. So every day I started saying, I'm a thin person.

I am a thin person. I have the habits of someone who is thin. I am healthy. I feel good in my body. I feel at home in my body. My digestion is really good. I'm just the type of person who is healthy and thin and athletic. And I just started repeating that type of statement to myself all the time, and I really didn't do it for all that long.

Like maybe I stuck with it for a couple of weeks off and on. Like I definitely missed days. And as a lot of this subconscious pre programming does, it brought up a lot of emotions. I think sometimes when you start saying those things, every, all of these feelings and fears and all these things that kind of, you know, are in contrast to that come up to the top.

And I did start to feel this frustration around my issues with PCOS and just like my hormones being out of balance and all of that was contributing to this weight issue, obviously, because it all kind of came to the surface. And because I was saying that type of affirmation to myself, because I was programming my mind in that way, I started to notice all these things out there.

Like I started seeing all these posts and these people that were talking about PCOS. and weight and hormones and health and strength training and all of that. And I was just seeing how I responded to each of those things. And finally I just got on Reddit, I made a post and I just outlined all of my frustrations to this group, this like PCOS group on there.

And finally something someone said just made sense. They were like, your blood sugar just is not normal. Balance like that's what's of causing you to overeat because I thought that's the other thing I just knew I was overeating I was overeating a lot and I felt just like really out of control with it Like I just felt like I didn't have the willpower to stop it.

I didn't like being hungry all the time I was like there has to be a way for me to be healthy and and feel good in my body and be the way that I want without having to restrict myself or feel hungry all the time. I just don't like feeling hungry. I also don't like feeling too full, but I have alternating appetite digestion.

If you know, you know, and if you don't know, I talk about all of those in my book, a modern guide to human design. So you can calculate your chart at peergenerators. com and check out the book wherever books are sold, including kindle or ebooks, wherever you like to get ebooks. But I just knew there was something driving me to just not be in alignment with my own body.

So I detailed all of my struggles on this reddit group, god bless reddit, and I, yeah, people were just like, you're blood sugar.  Like, that's what's causing you to overeat, it's causing you to feel hungry all the time, it's causing you to crave these things. They were just basically like, just don't eat things that will spike your blood sugar.

And I was like, oh, okay, I can try that. Like, I, I, I felt a response to it. And so I immediately started eating that way. Basically, every time I thought about eating something, I'd be like, okay, how could I make this less likely to spike my blood sugar, which was basically by eating a lot more vegetables and a lot more fruits and protein, as opposed to anything like high in sugar or highly processed.

And yeah, all of those things just naturally aren't good for alternating appetite. We're the primitive caveman eaters. So I knew that I wasn't supposed to be eating those processed things, but I just did because I just was not aligned with what my body needed. It wasn't energizing. To not eat those things, basically.

So now that I was armed with this new info, which I had been guided to fully, because of that subconscious reprogramming and just waiting to respond, it felt very natural. I didn't feel like I was trying to force myself to any outcome. And I was like, oh, I feel a total response to this. It's completely energizing.

I started just planning to have a lot of healthier things around the house. And making all these things that I loved anyway, like I love to eat this way. And when I thought back on all those years where it was really easy to manage my weight and my health and I just felt really good, it was because those were the things that I ate every day for lunch or dinner.

And I was just eating them because I loved them, but I started to realize, Oh, those things that I love eating are actually the things that are incredibly healthy for me. And so, basically by just eating those things at home, just Planning ahead, having these healthy things on hand and continuing to do my workouts, which I've been doing for two years at this point and are really satisfying.

All of a sudden, within a few months, just completely naturally, never counting any calories, barely even getting on the scale, not trying to go just to one specific goal. I just dropped 10 pounds and I feel amazing. I've built like probably 15 plus pounds of muscle over the last few years. My back doesn't hurt anymore.

I stand up straighter. My skin's better. I feel better. I look better. Just everything is better. I feel like I can really attribute that to believing, or at least thinking, in alignment with being the type of person who lives like that, who is healthy, who eats healthy, who feels good, who's strong, who is the weight that I want to be.

And alongside that, waiting to respond, only pursuing things that feel energizing, not being so goal oriented and being more process oriented. Because this spring and summer, I truly enjoy like, every meal that I had, and it's not like I was perfect all the time. I was out with family a lot and in restaurants, and I didn't sweat anything.

I just went along with what I wanted at that time and just tried to make the choice that felt the best at that moment, and it didn't affect anything. Like, I still am maintaining a really healthy weight feels really good for me and I'm truly happy with where I am. I just feel good. It felt so natural and that was all I wanted out of the whole thing was for this to be sustainable and natural, a process that I could truly enjoy and do forever.

And to think that this eluded me for so many years and was a point of frustration for so long just shows how well these tools work. And it wasn't an overnight thing. thing but I was naturally guided to it through life and where I landed was so different than what I might have expected. I couldn't have made this up in my mind or masterminded it or tried to go out and find this solution to hit this goal.

I just wandered my way into it by accident by doing what was energizing and what felt correct for me and of course when I look back it's like of course this led me to something that's in alignment with my human design digestion like it just happened naturally I didn't have to  I truly barely think about food anymore in an anxious way.

I just know what works for me. I make sure to have those things in the house. I love the stuff I'm cooking. I love the stuff I'm eating. I love the way I feel. Like, I just can't express enough how good it feels to have this frustration gone that was there for so long. I think it's just so normal for us to have these points of frustration.

This is how we grow. We get new awareness about a certain thing like our job or health or relationships. And then it just takes a little while for it all to unfold. But it all starts with that frustration. Illustration that shows us, you know, something's off in life And so that's what I really want to create for generators and MGs are these tools to help you Tackle these things on all levels so that you can be living in that natural flow That is your birthright because as sacral beings as generators and MGs.

We are guided by life force energy energy, not our minds. And when we align our minds, it's like we perceive so many new opportunities and ways to do things. And so that is what I center the glow up around. It is broken into six steps. Step one, where you align your aura and you understand how to learn to wait to respond, how to allow your magnetic aura to attract life, understand your step to embody your design, which is Like, how to understand your profile, digestion, your energy centers, just what makes your body graph you.

Step three, increase your satisfaction. All of these different like courses and modules on how to feel satisfied in your work and creative life. Step four. Step four, how to deal with frustration, kind of like what we're talking to you about today, how to recognize it, shift it quickly, all of these different tools and exercises for that.

Step five, understand your purpose, where I have some modules on numerology and astrological north nodes. And step six, which is probably my favorite, decondition your mind and reprogram your subconscious so that, like I just said, your mind is Looking for evidence and opportunities that match up with what you desire because we get these desires But then it's really important for us to switch into knowing that that is the reality We already live in that is what we deserve.

That is who we are because our desires are never an accident They're always there for a reason. So yeah, come join us in the glow up. I've linked it below and yeah Whatever your frustration is that you've been holding on to a long time time. I think that this can definitely help with that because our design, like our human design and our sacral energy, our life force energy wants us to feel satisfied.

It wants us to get out of this frustration. Sometimes we just need something to help our minds shift and allow those solutions to come up naturally. So thanks everyone for listening to my story. If you like this episode, I would suggest checking out one of my first episodes. about creating goals as a generator or manifesting generator because it's very much in alignment with the process that I went through and how you can reach a goal without making it all about the goal and getting out of alignment with your generator energy.

So yeah, thank you and I'll talk to you later.