New Paradigm Human
New Paradigm Human
Ep 28: Put your tin foil hats on—The US presidential election, mass awakening, and aliens!
Today I'm talking about some alternative topics, so if you're open-minded or felt intuitively that something wasn't right about the US election, this one is for you!
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On this episode of New Paradigm Human, we're talking about some predictions for the U. S. election, aliens, and how this is tied to humanity's awakening.
Hello, everyone. I have a bit of a tinfoil hat version of New Paradigm Human for you today. I say that because some things that I think and talk about, like what I'm going to share here today, Could be viewed as crazy by some people. So this episode is for you if you are someone who is very open minded and interested in things that go beyond what we can perceive so far in our reality on Earth.
Things that are a little bit more alternative. Things like aliens, multiple timelines, raising consciousness, etc. And also psychic predictions and things that we might call conspiracy theories. Really, a conspiracy theory is only something that is, it's a theory that's neither proven or disproven. It's come to be known as something that is a negative or makes somebody crazy, but honestly, many conspiracies do come to be proven true and many don't.
And for me, the difference is the state of mind that someone's in when they're ingesting this kind of information, how much we can think critically, how attached we are to certain outcomes. That's how I try to discern these things. And I'm always very careful at looking at who is delivering the information.
What are their motivations? What are, what's their agenda? How is their mental health? Are they someone that I trust? Are they healed? What are they trying to achieve by sharing this? And also, just how does my intuition react to them? Do they feel credible? Is it something that feels authentic? So anyway, I put my disclaimer on there.
A lot of the other people online who I've connected with who have been experiencing and feeling similar things, we're kind of joking that it's like, tinfoil hat club conspiracy, whatever. But for me, this feels very real and it might be something that you've been feeling too. And it feels more important than ever this week to put out something that might light a spark of recognition in somebody else.
And to just be completely authentic, as that is a theme of the Aquarian Age. In addition, as we get better at connecting to our intuition, we can feel if something that someone is sharing with us resonates or doesn't. Often for me, if something feels truthful, I get a really nice, peaceful, settled feeling in my body.
And when something that someone is sharing feels, wrong or like it's not the message for me or that it's not true. I'll feel this sort of anxious energy in my body. So that's always a good thing to tap into as well. How does it feel in your body? That's so much of what we learn about in human design. In my last episode, I shared some more broad details about the shift into the Aquarian age, but really over the past few weeks, we have had some massive influxes of Aquarian energy, of consciousness raising energy.
When we raise our consciousness, we become more aware. We have a broader view on things. We're more loving. We're more understanding. We're more accepting. We understand that we're all connected and it's absolutely where humanity is going. I can only compare this time to something that I personally felt COVID was such a consciousness raising event in so many ways because it forced us to look at how we had been doing things.
It was also a really difficult experience. But I felt this similar intensity of energy, but I would actually say this time is more intense. And for me, this started maybe a little bit before, but it really coincided with the U. S. election. And if things have been feeling crazy to you, whether you live in the U.
S. or not, you're always going to be feeling it quite a bit more acutely if you live here. I really feel like the election is central to this, and it's not so much that these events are in themselves incredibly important. They are, but it's more so what they represent for humanity. So that's what I'm going to talk a little bit about today.
It is currently Sunday, November 17th, 12 56 a. m. So basically Saturday. I'm just saying. still awake because I stay up late. As it stands right now, Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States. Obviously that is not finalized until January through a series of different things that has to happen in the government.
But I've been getting a lot of downloads on this ever since I would say maybe August or September. A lot of this is centered around the United States right now, just simply because one, the United States is very much an Aquarian creation. It is a very new experiment in terms of how nations are structured.
with the U. S. Constitution. A lot of the ideals that were in the minds of the founding fathers of this country are very Aquarian. And I think this is an example of that Aquarian energy coming in early. If you're not sure what the Aquarian energy is, go back to episode 27. I talk about all of it there, but also I think that it's centered around the U.
S. because the U. S. exports so much entertainment, so much information, so much culture to the world that it's a big country and it's being watched by the entire world. And we're all in this together. We're all going through these same lessons and growth and consciousness raising no matter where we live, but this just makes it so that it's at the forefront of everybody's mind.
So in the end of summer, maybe September, I had a lot of downloads about this election. It was very clear to me that Kamala Harris was going to become president. I really didn't have any interest in her as a person leading up to this. I really knew very little about her. I was kind of feeling that if Joe Biden ran, Trump would definitely win.
That just felt very true to me. But as soon as she took over and started running on the Democratic side, my intuition said she is going to win. I started to follow her more, I got to know a lot more about her, I observed her a lot, and I was like, wow, this person is A very rare example that we'll see in US politics of someone who is very emotionally balanced and I would say very healed.
She's very comfortable in her feminine energy, which is something that's very rare in politics in particular. And I kind of got very involved in watching all this unfold simply because I had that really deep intuitive knowing. That she would win. It was almost like that was the only future I could see.
And I don't really try to be someone who predicts things or prophesizes or any of those things, but this was something that I just felt so deeply. The same way that I feel my inner sacral authority. It was just unbelievable. undeniable for me. And I found myself telling people, they're like, what do you think is going to happen?
What are you going to do? What do you, whatever. A friend even invited me to come to DC for the inauguration. And I was like, Oh, well, this is, he's not going to win. This is the only possibility that I see. Not that it's not close. Not that this is not a big deal that he's running and that a lot of people will vote for him, but.
I was like, he's not going to be president. That felt so incredibly clear to me. So I bought my ticket to fly to DC that week. I requested tickets to the inauguration. I don't really go to things like this, but for some reason I just felt this is something I'm going to do. It was like a sacral yes. After that invitation from my friend came and that was really all I felt.
I was like, I'm really excited to watch this unfold because. I don't want Donald Trump to be president for a lot of reasons that go much beyond the political. And as far as Donald Trump is concerned, it became pretty clear to me in 2016 that when he won, while it wasn't an outcome that I love, because of course those are not the views that I share, however, I could see the truth in it.
I could feel that It was something that we needed to experience as people given that it happened and that it was going to help a lot of people really grow and expand and understand their own power and heal a lot of emotional things. And I think that absolutely happened. I think him being there and him representing what he represents really catalyzed a lot of people to become more clear about what they wanted to see in the world, to be more involved In politics, which is 100 percent in alignment with where we're going in the Aquarian age, there's not going to be a lot of political apathy as we move into this next age because politics is very associated with the energy of Aquarius, not so much the part about people winning and climbing to the top and power struggles and things like that, more so about how we care for the masses, how we care for humanity.
His presidency had people putting a lot more effort into their communities, organizing, focusing on empathy, dealing with their own wounds of encounters with bullies throughout their life because we were watching this narcissistic bully on this national scale. at the same time being confronted with that can be a real catalyst for healing.
So last time when Donald Trump won, while it was a difficult thing to watch, it was not particularly distressing to me because I could feel that this was the way forward. This is what we needed to grow. But this time I did not feel that. I was like, there is nothing to be had over there. I could see her winning.
I could feel it very deeply. It was something I knew in my bones. So you can imagine my surprise when on election night, he wins. And I felt really this, just something was wrong. I kept hearing this voice in my head saying, it's not over yet. It's not over yet. Just wait. It's not over yet. That night I was very busy.
I was planning for a trip tomorrow. I had to fly out the next morning for a family member's wedding. So it was a whole thing. The next day, I just kind of had to hit the ground running. But as I processing what had happened the next day, I kept feeling something inside of me that was like, something is not right here.
Something did not happen the way it was meant to happen. I am a clear cognizant person. I, know things. I get these downloads of energy and it takes a little while for me to process them through my mind and begin to understand what it is that I'm knowing. And it became very clear to me over those next 24 hours or so, something's not right.
I even watched her concession speech live while I was on the plane. And that is not something I would usually do. Typically I have a rule with. certain political things where I won't watch videos. It's just too overstimulating. Like, I won't watch Trump on video. Really. That was a rule I had during his last presidency.
Not that I didn't keep updated on what was happening, but I just refused to watch him on video. And typically if I were sad about a candidate losing, I would not watch their concession speech, but I just felt very drawn to watch her. So I watched it live and I felt this weird calmness at the end. I just felt like Everything's going to be okay.
This isn't the end. This isn't the end. That message again. The more I processed it, I was like, I'm not getting from her this feeling of finality. I'm just not getting it. Needless to say, all of this was making me feel a little bit strange because I'm not really one to not accept reality, I actually feel like that's something I'm really good at, as a vessel of love, it's like, okay, this is our reality, this is what we've chosen, this is what we're, we're moving forward, we're gonna, we're gonna work with this, that's how I felt during the last Trump presidency, but I did not feel that this time, and I mentioned it to a friend who's also very tapped in, I was like, this is what I'm feeling, like, something feels wrong, my intuition completely led me astray on this, But at the same time, I never really believed my intuition leads me astray.
Like, I just feel like there's something wrong. And she was like, oh, well, there's a lot of people online, a lot of psychics, healers, tarot readers, astrologers, who also predicted that she would win. And they are also still feeling that that is a possibility. So I ended up re downloading TikTok, which I had deleted it off my phone.
And by deleting it, I had completely reset my algorithm. And these videos started to pop up. All of these people saying exactly what I was feeling. It's not over yet. This is not the correct outcome. Something happened. And so together, a lot of us started to piece together what was happening. And I debated going deep into, like, the details of what I was feeling.
know or feel happened. So I think I'm just going to keep it brief, but basically I feel that Kamala Harris and her team, basically the US government, went into this election knowing that the other side had a plan to interfere. I feel that they did interfere in some way and they had proof of that to a degree on election night, which is why as the results came in, she did not come out and address the crowd, which.
Just based on my observations of her and kind of pattern recognition, to me felt really off. That silence was very strange and I feel that the government is currently building a case against him and he will not end up being president because he had a hand in the election. interfering in some way in this election and the counting of votes.
I don't feel that the vote totals we saw were accurate. If this message doesn't feel good to you, you don't need to listen to it. But this is what felt very true to me, deep in my bones. And just like so many of these other people I was seeing online who were sharing very similar feelings, they were like, I mean, I'll admit that I'm wrong, but.
I'm not wrong. I, I just, I believe this so deeply. Like I've never felt more sure about something. And there were thousands and thousands, maybe millions of women who were agreeing that that night they had woken up in the middle of the night and known something was wrong. But like me, they also felt this calm feeling of it'll all be figured out.
And it was like, all of us were like, we'll admit if we're wrong, but we kind of just know we're not. And that was an interesting feeling. I, I have had that throughout my life, but this one was so clear and so strong. And I will say I haven't ever really been wrong about anything that I get this feeling about.
So, it was just this real confidence and it was very interesting to see that a lot of other people were feeling similarly. Then, of course, there's a lot of people that will come in and say, you're just being like the other side when they didn't accept the, the, the, election results in 2020, you're a conspiracy theorist, you're blue and on all these things, and all that's fair.
If that's what people believe, then that's fine. But I also think that kind of rhetoric can be used to try to dissuade people from listening to their intuition, to try to shame you into not listening. acknowledging what you truly feel inside. So to make it clear, I think that Kamala Harris and the U. S.
government are on top of this. I think they're allowing these people who have interfered with the election on Trump's side lots of time to continue to commit crimes, make mistakes, and for them to gather all of their proof. And I think it will come out sometime in the next month or so. That's my theory and it's what feels true to me.
But where this gets really interesting, because those are just, I guess, the the predictions of the details, is I'm now beginning to understand what's at stake here. And I talked about this a little bit in episode 27, but I really feel like the underlying point of this happening around something like an election is that it's widely watched by the entire world.
It's a very uniting event because we all experience it and it's at the forefront of what's happening. But anyway, there's a deeper, much deeper spiritual thing going on here. Anyway, I talked last time about the splitting of the worlds and I really do feel that's what we're seeing here. We're seeing people be in two very different realities, one very mired down by fear and separation and the other a much more wide, expansive, accepting view.
Basically that in the 3D is where we feel all of that fear and separation, in the 5D we understand that Everything's connected that the things that happen to us are always a gift at the same time that we really have the power to create our own realities by the way that we're thinking. And that can be kind of hard to bring together.
Sometimes it's definitely something I've struggled with, but the way I see it, it's like when things just happen, then that's where I'm at. It's so powerful to move into acceptance. What is this showing me? How can I work with this? How can I invite this to make me better, to make me more aware, to expand my consciousness, to understand myself deeper?
And then, on the flip side of the coin, we don't just have to accept that things have to roll out a certain way just because they did before. This is kind of the power that we have before something, happens, we can say, okay, there's a certain reality that I want to create. There's something that I want to notice I want to look for.
And that's kind of where the subconscious reprogramming stuff that I talk a lot about comes in. But it's basically understanding that we as individuals are very powerful creators. So it's this interesting interplay of when something happens, and it's a done deal. And here it is, we accept it and learn and expand from that.
But we also don't give in to just anything expecting that a certain negative outcome or fear based outcome will happen because we realize that we actually have a lot of power to choose. And with this election, I personally did feel that the stakes were very high, just on like an energetic, spiritual level.
Last time around, it was like, there will be some very negative things that happen out of a Trump presidency, but at the same time, I kind of felt, to a degree, the status quo will continue. There's not any like, world ending or catastrophic events that will happen then like we won't be blowing ourselves up putting it into our country, etc.
I mean, Trump made a little bit of a an attempt on that January 6 2021. But in the end, there wasn't anything major that happened. This time, I did not get that feeling. I felt that if we as a group chose a Trump presidency, we were choosing a very dark timeline for humanity. And leading up to it, I could feel that we were not choosing that timeline.
Which is why him getting elected, at least on November 5th, felt so wrong. Because I felt that deep down, we did not choose that timeline. So that would be kind of the 3D timeline, the fear and separation timeline. And then, this week, a few days ago, the U. S. government comes out and says aliens are real. The government has done that a few times.
Usually when they're trying to distract us from something. I think there may have been a little bit of that happening this week. At the same time, people are quite wise to that. So the reaction to that has not been particularly dramatic, but it was probably the most honest that the U. S. government has been about aliens and contact, basically saying that they're living in our oceans.
They're around us all the time. A lot of the sightings that people have had are definitely real. And that is pretty much it. pretty different from the way it's been presented in the past. In the past, maybe it was shown as well. Here's this weird thing. The military saw flying and people would testify.
Yeah, I saw it and it did this and this weird thing. But to say that they're just straight up building bases in our oceans and hanging out, that's kind of a new level of this. And I just thought that was interesting because I really do feel like we have just had one of the most massive surges of of awakening and consciousness, raising energy that we've had in a long time tied to this election.
I am seeing so many people rise up and just say, I'm going to create the world that I want to see. I'm focusing what I want to support. I'm seeing people who voted for Trump be regretful and start to expand their awareness of what's actually going on. And I'm seeing people literally cut themselves into these two different worlds, these two different timelines.
People are cutting off friends and family who voted differently from them, and thus choosing these different timelines. But what I didn't really expect, which became very clear to my clear cognizance today, is that One of the main things that's coming up in this more 5D, more elevated consciousness timeline, which is the one in which Kamala Harris wins, which is personally the one that I feel we already chose, I think it will be revealed in the next month that she did actually win and she will become president, is that a lot of this is about mass awakening, mass consciousness raising, and in particular, doing this through finally having contact with aliens.
And I don't think this is far off. I think this is in the next couple of years. I think it's around the time of 2027, which is the human design, sort of Aquarian age prophecy. We have the Mayan saying 2012, we have human design. Talking about 2027 is the big shift, and I don't think any of those are wrong.
I think these are key points along this shift into not only the age of Aquarius, but a golden age for humanity of the next 26,000 years. And this has been a prophecy from a lot of different sources. And yeah, okay, talking about a stolen election and aliens, it's like, okay, are we crazy? But no, I don't feel crazy.
I don't think you're crazy. I don't think anybody else talking about it is crazy. This actually makes a lot of sense, but what I did not expect is that part about aliens. I feel I am a star seated soul, which means I think my soul is from elsewhere. I don't think I've been on Earth a lot. I've been on Earth enough to feel more or less comfortable here.
But I feel like being a star seated soul who definitely is from elsewhere gives me a unique perspective on life on planet Earth and being a human. And I love that part of myself because it allows me to really love and appreciate being here. It's such a unique place. It's such an interesting place for a soul to grow.
So much happens here. It's just such a beautiful. potent, unique place in the solar system, and I'm honestly grateful for it every single day. It wasn't always. It really, it took some healing to get to this place. But TLDR, a Kamala presidency isn't really about her, although she's in alignment with it, I think, as the A woman who is fairly healed and operating from a place of that unity consciousness of understanding that we're all connected.
It's not about winning. It's about creating a society of equality, justice, accepting our differences. creating things that help and work for everybody and while she definitely isn't perfect and God knows we have not seen a lot of this happen in the U. S. government because yeah, it's just we're, we're still very much living in separation.
I think we're going to see this to a level that we've never seen it before. We're going to make some of those positive strides more than we ever have just simply because All of this, her presidency, is coinciding with this mass raising of consciousness. And we are overdue for this because these people in the Trump camp have been manipulating people for so many years.
We're going on like 10 years now of this and It's just been so damaging for so many people as humans. The same time it's helped a lot of people grow. I think a lot of people still have some of that growth to go through in the next few years, but we're just done with that lesson. I'm seeing so many people with primarily feminine energy, trusting themselves.
stepping into their intuition, believing themselves, putting it out there, and really standing strong in their power and trust of themselves and their abilities in a way I've never seen before, and understanding what they deserve, and it's not just women, but it's primarily women. And it's really just happening because we're not balanced in that way, and there really needs to be that gender equality in the Aquarian age.
So it's kind of an overcorrection from the feminine energy being oppressed for so long. So we're seeing a rising of that. And I think that encountering these, Aliens in the next few years, which is definitely when it feels like it'll happen seems a little bit crazy because I personally never thought this would move so quickly when I started to do my healing and awakening and channeling 10 years ago, I honestly thought that this kind of thing wouldn't arrive by the time I my lifetime was over, which was a little bit sad for me.
But now I'm seeing that is not true at all. We may not be fully in the Aquarian age by the time that I depart this planet, but we will have. Massively raised our consciousness and everyone who's here right now is part of that Anybody who's learning their human design is learning to tap into their inner authority anyone who's healing like you're all part of that So it's such a powerful time to be alive So yeah, I think kamala is going to be president because we've chosen that timeline.
She happens to be on that one I think trump will end up in jail This will be the end of his line and a lot of the people around him You I think this will be revealed sometime between and now Sunday, November 17th and the end of November could drag in to December a little bit, but there's a lot of just astrological things that are kind of lining this up with this time period.
I think that the Kamala camp and the US government knew all of this all along. They had to allow him to commit the crime so they could build the case and just be done with it because we're just simply done with that timeline. And I. don't think we'll see as much pushback as we might have thought from the other side because it can be really terrible if you feel like your person won and then you find out they didn't.
But I think that this liminal time right now where everything is suspended, it's very unsure, people are imagining this future that we think we've chosen, which is Trump presidency. And realizing that even though they voted for that, there were some things they didn't know. And there's a lot of people who are regretting that.
So I actually don't think that we'll see the mass upset or pushback that we might have expected. There will be some, because there's some fringe people that just cannot grasp. That they are in a cult at the moment. If they have a charismatic leader that they feel can do no wrong, that is considered a cult.
And it's not like everything's going to be smooth sailing over the next few years, but I think that over the next eight years, we're going to see some massive raising of consciousness. We're going to meet some aliens or at least become very aware that they're here. It's going to be something that's very uniting for us as a global society.
And our world is going to keep getting better and better to live in. So we can take our tinfoil hats off, return to normal life. But I am so excited for this next chapter for humanity, even though there will be some bumps along the road, we have to expect that. But so many things are coming. I really feel it.
Anyway, thank you for being here and I'll talk to you soon.